Disciplined Bible study (#2 and last)

You have to realize one of the reasons God has given us his Word is because it already contains 95% of his will for our lives. One of the reasons we are commanded to study God’s Word is so we can discover his purpose for our lives as revealed in Scripture. God will fill in the missing details of his plan for our lives when we come to him in prayer. You first have to obey God and read the Bible before he will reveal anything to you.

Bible study questions continued:

4. Is there a promise for me to claim?

Some promises of God are unconditional and believers receive them automatically like in Hebrews 13:5 – “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Other promises from God are conditional and are based on some action taken on our part. We have to be willing to claim these promises by doing what God requires of us. For an example, lets look at Psalm 37:4 – “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” If you aren’t sure exactly how to claim a promise from God ask him in prayer and it will be revealed to you.

5. What is a particular passage of the Bible teaching you about God or about Jesus Christ?

The entire Bible is focused on revealing the coming of Jesus Christ to redeem a fallen world. The goal of Christian life is growing in our personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. By reading and studying God’s Word we get to know Jesus better and better.

6. Is there a difficulty here for me to explore?

God reveals to us what he wants us to know and what we need to know. There will be things we don’t understand about the spiritual world and may never know this side of heaven. Ask questions of God but don’t let what you don’t know or understand be a stumbling block. A sovereign God has us in his hands and works all things to our benefit.

7. Is there something in this passage I should pray about today?

As you meditate on your daily Bible reading write down any questions you have for God that you can incorporate into your prayer life. Keep your prayers fresh with new ideas and information you want to discuss with God. God knows everything so just keep praying for the answer. Be sure to wait on God and listen for the still small voice that is God.