Disciplined Bible study (#1)

Two-way communication between us and God is critical to our spiritual life. Prayer is us talking to God and reading the Bible is God talking to us. We need both in equal measure. The more consistent we are in our communication with God the more intimate our relationship becomes. Any breakdown between us and God is on our part because God is always ready for us to deepen our relationship with him. When we consistently talk with God, and are disciplined in our approach, God will reveal his Word to us along with his plan for our lives. Set aside at least 15 minutes a day for quality face time with God and more time if you can spare it. There’s no better use of your time than talking to God. Read the entire Bible one chapter a day starting with the New Testament book of Matthew. As you read your Bible meditate on God’s Word. Ask God to speak to your heart through a revelation of the Holy Spirit. Be patient. Give God time to answer any questions you have. I’m going to list the seven questions you need to ponder as you read your Bible every day.

1. Is there an example for me to follow?

God’s Word is truth. All Bible reading is done to discover God’s will as it pertains to our lives. Pray for God to reveal his will for your life in Scripture before you read your Bible and then meditate on what you have read afterwards. God won’t disappoint you.

2. Is there a sin for me to avoid?

This appears to be obvious but often we can’t see the sin in our lives clearly. We all sin. The trick is to identify those hidden sins that we may not be aware of, expose them to the light, evaluate their root cause and ask God’s help to eliminate them.

3. Is there a command for me to obey?

There are over 200 direct commands that God gives to believers in the Bible. Most chapters of the Bible will probably have at least one command from God. The goal of every Christian is to obey all of God’s commands so we need to watch for and pay particular attention to those commands from God when we come across them. We will be judged on how well we obey God. God says in Scripture those who love me will obey my commands.