Salvation (#8)

We’ve established in the previous blog that prayer is best defined as, “having fellowship with God.” We know God commands us to pray and that prayer is essential for our salvation. We also know we should be praying to God continuously about anything and everything. What isn’t clear and what we must know is how to pray. What are the elements of a successful prayer to God? Nine out of ten people wouldn’t know if we asked them. If we’re going to talk to God at least understand the general guidelines even if we don’t always follow them. We have the honor of unfettered access to the throne of Almighty God so at least do him the honor of praying the right way; the way God has prescribed.

If you remember your English composition class, every story has a beginning, a middle and an ending. Prayers to God are the same way. We usually come before the throne of grace to confess our sins or to ask for something from God. That’s the middle part of a good prayer. At the beginning and ending of a prayer are what I call the protocol items that are necessary for God to hear and act on our prayers. If we’re going to talk to God we need to know the general outline of a standard prayer and the rules to abide by. Let’s use the Lord’s Prayer as our model as we explain the key elements. Keep in mind Jesus threw everything into his model prayer and our prayers may not need every element listed.


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

1. Establish a personal relationship with God – Using the word “Father” signifies a relationship between God and believer. The word “our” signifies the relationship between all believers. The Bible declares our sonship so claim it in prayer. The Bible declares all believers are brothers so claim that in prayer too.

2. Establish faith in God – Using the words “in heaven” establishes our faith in God. Prayers are worthless without faith. Prayers won’t work unless you believe God exists and that he hears our prayers and answers them.

3. Worship God – Before we ask anything of God we first have to acknowledge him and worship God him as the King of the universe. Using the phrase, “hallowed be thy name,” does that. Hallowed means “made holy” or “greatly honored and respected.” God may be our Father and friend but prayer time is serious business and formalities must be observed. Any show of disrespect will void our prayers.

4. Submission – In all prayers we must come before God with humility to show our submission to God’s authority. God hates pride and haughtiness and will turn those people aside. God loves humility and dispensing mercy. The phrase, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” indicates the acceptance of God’s authority.

5. Petition – (optional) – This is the middle part of the prayer where we ask something from God if that’s what we came for. “Give us this day our daily bread,” asks God to supply all our needs daily. This is where you don’t have to be formal and you can pour your heart out to God in your own words, whatever your request is.

6. Confession – (optional) – This is also the middle part of the prayer where we come to God to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. You can petition God and confess to God in the same prayer if you want to. Only confessed sins can be forgiven hence the phrase, “and forgive us our debts.”

7. Exaltation – (optional) – This is another middle part of the prayer where we come to God for no other reason than to give honor, praise and glory to the Lord. Prayers of exaltation to God were rare even in Old Testament times but today they’re pretty much nonexistent. In our fast-paced world Christians have less and less time for God and prayers are usually cursory at best and based only on our needs at the moment. We don’t take the time to luxuriate in God’s love and I’m as guilty as anyone. Everyone has their favorites. When I read the Bible I can tell King David was God’s favorite. God said David was, “a man after my own heart.”

What separated David from everyone else in God’s eyes? David cultivated an intense personal relationship with God all his life and the Holy Spirit never left him. David probably had a better prayer life than any believer who ever lived and many of his prayers were simply prayers of exaltation to God. Read David’s prayers to God in the Psalms and you’ll see what I mean. Who wouldn’t love someone like that, who shows so much emotion and devotion? King David has set a good example for us to follow in our prayer life if we want to be close to God. By exalting God our light will shine brighter before the Lord. We can please God. We can make God smile.

8. Compassion – (optional) – “As we forgive our debtors,” is a show of compassion. It may not be applicable in all prayers but understand God loves dispensing mercy and he requires the same from us toward others or our sins won’t be forgiven.

9. Dependence – We must throw ourselves on God’s mercy for his protection. We must be totally dependent on God and the phrase, “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” shows we are dependent on God’s provision for us. God won’t keep us from temptation but he does promise to help us through it. When we throw ourselves on God’s mercy he’ll never fail us. God hasn’t failed anyone yet and he never will.

10. Acknowledgment – Always wrap up any prayer by acknowledging God’s sovereignty over his creation and acceptance of God’s will in your life, whatever that may be. Leave everything in God’s hands. “In Jesus’ name we pray,” is a customary prayer ending that does this for me.

Prayers don’t have to be cookie-cutter and formal and they can be long or short. In the Bible King Solomon had a prayer thirty verses long and the Apostle Peter had a prayer three words long (Lord save me!). Make your prayer format fit the occasion. Give your prayer life with God a little thought. During the day make a list of things you want to discuss with God in prayer. Don’t pray to God using only repetitious phrases and expect to impress God. In your prayers to God he’ll overlook the formalities if you’re sincere. God cares more about what’s in your heart than following a set of rules. As with anything, practice makes perfect. Receiving prayers is the highlight of God’s day.