Proverbs wisdom (#2)

I’ve blogged about Proverbs before. God loves redundancy and so do I. One of the ways we lock something into our memory is through repetition. I prefer to think of repetition as affirmations and we can’t do that too much. You are what you think about. Proverbs was written by Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. It’s fitting that God chose Solomon to share the wisdom of God with us. Proverbs is like found gold and we would be remiss if we failed to advantage of it.


4. God is Sovereign. God knows all, sees all, and in his perfect will directs our steps.

5. Strive for integrity and righteousness by emulating Christ.

6. Be humble, act justly and follow God’s commandments.

7. Avoid doing what God hates to avoid punishment. Love what God loves.


1. Witness for Christ
2. Study God’s Word
3. Never listen to fools
4. Obey God
5. Live by faith and not by sight
6. Do right by everyone
7. Give to the needy
8. Guard your tongue
9. Pick a good Christian wife
10. Speak only good and not evil
11. Love God
12. Act justly
13. Stand by friends
14. Accept wise counsel
15. Love one another
16. Respect parents
17. Discipline children


1. Pride
2. Miserly people
3. Bad people
4. Evil
5. Sin
6. Adultery
7. Fornication
8. Liars
9. Deceitful people