Physical proofs of God (#1)

While I know God created our universe I appreciate the fact that others may need more convincing. That’s why I came up with my list of physical proofs of God that I can use in my witness for Christ. I’ve read that scientists know of over 200 conditions that must be present for our universe to exist. I only have 23 proofs on my list which will grow as I get feedback and learn more about it.  Every single one of my proofs is necessary for life to exist on earth. If even one of the proofs weren’t there we couldn’t exist.  Think of the odds! In the Powerball lottery you only need to pick 6 numbers right and the odds of winning are 300 million to 1. To get 23 things exactly right the odds are astronomical to the point it’s virtually impossible. That means there had to be Super Designer to create our universe and that would be God. The fingerprints of God are evident. I can’t cover all my proofs in one blog. I’ll post follow-up blogs until all the proofs in this series are covered. Here they are:

1. Life as we know it requires water and the earth is two thirds water. Earth is the only known water planet in the universe.

2. Earth is just the right distance from our sun to support water. If the earth was any closer to the sun all water would evaporate. If the earth was any farther from the sun all water would freeze into ice.