Evil in our time

With the recent killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of police in Minneapolis we have seen riots all across America. I can’t watch it on TV anymore. While the riots are led by anarchists bent on destroying our country the anger of the people is real. Young people no longer respect or trust our police and this incident is confirmation for them. Our education system is to blame. When a civil society is threatened with chaos they get scared and go into survival mode. When the authorities get scared they then overreact harshly to quell the violence and save the country. A lot of people could end up dying. We could have nipped this in the bud early on but let it fester and spiral out of control. As soon as the mob saw weakness they pounced. It was an excuse for looting.

The policeman who killed Mr. Floyd is in jail charged with murder. What more do the people want? People have to realize that the police are 99.9 % good people and are here to protect us. There are a few bad apples in police departments around the country as there are in any large organization. We need to weed out but by no means is there systemic racism in our police departments or in our country. Racial equality is light years ahead of where it was in the sixties. Without the police around hoodlums would slaughter thousands upon thousands of innocent people and our society would crumble before our eyes. The current situation is reminiscent of the French Revolution in 1789 when angry peasants stormed the Bastille (French prison) and overthrew the monarchy. The king could have stopped the revolution early on but in his weakness he gave in to the mob.

With nobody in control of the country innocent Frenchmen were killed by the millions before a civil society was restored. Satan had a field day back then and seeks to recreate the same situation today in America. The question before us is are we going to allow Satan to unleash “evil in our time” on a scale not seen since the French Revolution? God is absolute truth and all Christians must latch onto this anchor to hold us firm in this turbulent world. Our morality and our ethics depend on the truth of a transcendent order. We must study God’s Word to learn spiritual truths. We must obey God. The Bible tells us evil days would come in the last days so we are not surprised by the current state of world affairs. Jesus also told us not to worry about anything because He is in control. Another sign that we are in the last days is when good is called evil and evil good.

Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

John 8:32 – And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.