When is the tribulation?

Scripture says only the Father knows the date and time of the rapture. While most Christians believe the rapture occurs prior to the start of the seven years of the tribulation period (pre-tribber). There are some who believe the rapture occurs at the half way point of the tribulation (mid-tribber) or at the end of the seven years (post-tribber).  If the mid-tribbers or post-tribbers are correct then we would know the exact date of the rapture. Scripture would have no need to tell us to watch expectantly for the coming of the Son of Man on that day or why tell us the rapture would come like a thief in the night.  If the mid-tribbers and post-tribbers are correct, then all believers would be raptured and given resurrection bodies leaving no believers on earth to propagate during the millennium.

There can’t be a post-tribber if the church is returning to earth with Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:9, makes it clear, “God hath not appointed us to wrath,”  and since the tribulation is know as God’s day of wrath, we clearly aren’t meant to be here for it. In Revelation the church is mentioned 17 times in chapters 1-3 but that all stops in chapter 4 when John is called to heaven.  The church isn’t mentioned again until the end of Revelation because the church is no longer on earth but at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven. The next time the church is mentioned it is accompanying Jesus to earth at the second coming. Look at the evidence in Scripture and your will understand the rapture takes place before the tribulation starts. Don’t fall for anything else.