There can be only one (#3 and last)

Buddha was agnostic toward a belief in god and thought god and the universe were the same. Buddhists believe our world is an illusion. Hindu’s also believe the world is an illusion. To Hindu’s reality is spiritual and invisible. Hindu’s believe in millions of gods and Brahma is the main god, the universal soul of which all people are a part. In Islam Allah is totally removed from people, capricious in all his acts and responsible for evil as well as well as for good. Jehovah is the God of both Christians and Jews. The difference is the Jews don’t believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God. The Jews think Jesus was a great Jew and a great prophet but not deity. The Jews are still waiting for their promised Messiah to appear. Only at the Second Coming of Christ will the Jews finally realize Jesus was their Messiah.

Of the great religious leaders of the world, Christ alone claims to be deity. Other religions tout the teachings of their founders. Christ alone made himself the focal point of his teachings. The grave of Jesus is empty because He is risen. All the other founders of the world’s great religions are still in their graves because they are all fake religions sponsored by Satan to fool man and lead him away from the gospel of truth.

John 6:29 – The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.

We must all be tolerant of other religious points of view and respect their right to be held and heard. No one should be silenced or feel threatened with violence for their beliefs. In the name of tolerance nobody should be forced to agree that all religious points of view are equally valid when they are obviously mutually contradictory.

John 14:6 – I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.