The seventh gift of God is the discerning of spirits. This is the Holy Spirit giving us the supernatural ability to detect the presence of demons. We know from the Bible that God kicked Satan and his fallen angels (demons) out of heaven and threw them to the earth where they currently roam causing mischief. The Bible has many stories about people who were possessed by demons. If demons could enter a person’s body back then they can so do today. With this gift a demon can be detected inside the body or outside the body.
The eight gift of God is knowing different tongues. I’ll be honest with you, I’m confused why this gift is needed. The Holy Spirit gives the supernatural ability to speak a foreign language which then becomes our personal prayer language to God through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the ability to offer up the perfect prayer to God on our behalf and this new tongue we have somehow gives us a more direct path to God. I personally think English works just fine. I’ll pray to God for enlightenment on this. The ninth and final gift of God is interpretation of tongues. Although some can speak in tongues they can’t understand what they’re saying to God without this additional gift of interpretation. I would expect these two gifts to be given together, much like knowledge and wisdom are given in conjunction for better effect.
The primary benefit to believers of knowing the gifts of God number three through nine is just knowing they are available. I’ve never had any of these gifts or known anyone else who did. Certainly these gifts are not used very much. However, we do see examples of them all in the Bible so they are real. Pray for them if you see a need. The first two gifts of God, the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom are a different matter. These are the primary gifts of God to man. They are in use constantly in every circumstance in life. We needs these gifts as much as we need water and food. Without them we perish. The Bible commands us to study God’s Word diligently and pray continuously for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. If we do that then God’s gifts of knowledge and wisdom will continue to flow through the Holy Spirit into our spirit. Never stop praying and growing in Christ Jesus.