The Holy Bible (#7 and last)

The Bible has had a universal influence on mankind and all nations. Western civilization was founded on biblical principles. The Bible is the root of all western law. The United States itself was established as a Christian nation by our Bible-believing forefathers. The Bible has played an important role in the advancement of the world’s art, music, and literature. The world’s calendar and most of its holidays stem from the Bible.  The Bible has life-transforming power. Only the Bible has been able to change corrupt humanity. Millions of Christians testify that God, through His Word, has changed their lives for the better. In Scripture God says to taste Him to see if He is good. God says to test Him to see if He is faithful. Only our God says to come let us reason together.

All other religions require you to earn your way to heaven and you never know if you’ve done enough. With Christianity eternal life is a free gift from God for the asking and you never have to wonder if you’re going to heaven or not. All other religions say you can’t talk to God or get close to God but Christianity promises a loving personal relationship between you and God.  All those cold dead religions have one thing in common. They are all fake religions designed and sponsored by Satan to lead man away from the truth of the gospel and eternal life with the living God of heaven.  Since God cannot lie, when He tells the story of human history God is absolutely honest. The Bible is brutally honest about bad things done by good people and good things done by bad people. God presents our story accurately, warts and all.

The Bible is not a book that man could write if he would, or would write if he could.  First, man couldn’t have known all the facts contained in the Bible when it was written. Second, our human nature would prevent us from writing such a story because we are put in such a bad light much of the time. Who else but God would be honest enough to admit to a prostitute in the family tree (Rehab)?  When I read the Bible I don’t detect any of the BS or lying that would be present if a human being wrote it. The Bible contains facts, answers to life’s questions and wisdom on every subject in life. The Bible is alive, ever changing to meet our needs. God’s authorship of the Bible jumps out to me from every page. Can you see what I see?