The Holy Bible (#6)

The Bible is indestructible. The world will one day be destroyed by fire but God’s Word will stand forever. The Roman emperors tried to have every Bible destroyed but the number proliferated. Just about every Pope also opposed the reading and translating of the Bible because it lessened their importance in the eyes of believers, most of whom couldn’t read or write and therefore had to believe what they were told. In 1199 Pope Innocent III even ordered the burning od all Bibles to no avail.  Communist Russia and Stalin in particular tried unsuccessfully to eliminate Bibles from Russian life. China’s decades long push to discriminate against Christians and eliminate Bibles has also been futile. The more man tries to constrain the Bible the more amazing the circulation of the Bible becomes. In Scripture God says He will accomplish His purpose and that purpose is to give man access to God’s Word, the Holy Bible. Man’s futile attempt to thwart God’s will is like spitting into the wind.

Only one half of 1% of all books published survive seven years. 80% of all books are forgotten in one year. Most religious books disappear in short order but a person can walk into any bookstore in the world and buy a copy of the Christian Holy Bible. God will always ensure the availability of His Word for man because He cares for us and wants us all to be saved and that will be accomplished primarily through the Holy Bible.  No book in history has been copied as meticulously as the Bible. When scribes copied the Bible the slightest error meant the entire page had to be redone. Care was taken that not one comma or punctuation mark was omitted. The discovery of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls contained books of the Bible that were the same as we have today which proves God’s Word has not been altered by man over the centuries.  God is jealous of His Word and there is a warning in the Scriptures not to add or remove even one jot or tittle or face God’s judgement. The Bible says God’s eyes go to and fro across the earth looking for ways to fulfill His Word. If God says it then truth has been established and it will come to pass because whatever God says is Law and God cannot lie.