The Holy Bible (#5)

The Bible is prophetically accurate. I should have made this proof #1 since I’ve mentioned it several time already and it’s the most compelling evidence of God’s existence. The evidence bears repeating. The Bible is one third prophecy with over 1000 prophecies. Over 500 prophecies have been fulfilled with the rest awaiting their appointed time.  Only the true God knows how history will unfold because He wrote it. No other world religion has even fulfilled one prophecy. Bible prophecies are so specific and detailed they point directly to Jehovah so there is no excuse for unbelief.  There are 48 prophecies about Jesus Christ and I previously sent you a list of the 36 prophecies I find most compelling. These prophecies were documented in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. The odds of one person fulfilling just eight of these prophecies and not being the Messiah is somewhere in the magnitude of 1 X 10 to the 17th power, which is a number so large I can’t get my head around it. Basically the number is so big its a certainty Jesus is the promised Son of God, God come to earth in the flesh.

Some prophecies about Jesus were very specific and these are the ones that grab my attention. Like being born in Bethlehem, a village of no more than 200 people. Like living in Nazareth, also a very small village of a few hundred people. Like being betrayed for 30 pieces of silver which happened. Like being crucified by having his hands and feet pierced which was such a cruel form of execution the Romans only used it for about 200 years before it was banned.  It was normal to break the legs of those crucified yet Scripture said the legs of Jesus would not be broken and they weren’t because Jesus was already dead when the Roman soldiers made their rounds. Prophecy said Jesus’ side would be pierced, which is also unusual, but it happened.

God said the Israelites would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years and they were there for 432 years. God said Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed and they were in 70 AD. God said the Israelites would be carried off to Babylon as slaves for 70 years and they were. God actually named the man to free His people as Cyrus which turned out to be King Cyrus of Persia.  Personally, I find this to be the most amazing prophecy in the entire Bible. What more must God do to convince man He is God? In Scripture God said He would disperse the Jewish people to the ends of the earth and regather them to the land God gave them in the end times. God reestablished Israel as a nation, as foretold, on May 14, 1948.