The Holy Bible (#4)

The Bible is scientifically accurate. Many times when the Bible authors were writing scripture under the influence of the Holy Spirit they didn’t have a clue what they were writing. They simply did as they were told or moved.  These writers wrote things that there was no way on earth they could have known. Things that weren’t known or discovered for thousands of years. Things which they couldn’t have known with their experiences and educational background. When I see these verses it’s like seeing God’s signature on His Word.  It may be easy now to see the accuracy of the Bible but you have to remember in ancient times the prevailing opinion many times was much different than what God’s Word said. Everyone thought the world was flat until the 1500’s and if you sailed out of sight of land you might fall off the earth. In Psalms it clearly says the earth is a sphere.

Everyone thought the earth rested on a giant turtle. Scripture says the earth hangs in space on nothing, which wasn’t confirmed for a couple thousand years. The Bible says the number of stars in the heavens is innumerable but in ancient times the consensus opinion was there were about 1200 stars which was about all they could see with the naked eye. With the invention of the telescope God was again proven correct.  I love the story of the guy who discovered the ocean currents. He was a believer who was convalescing from an illness and his son was reading the Bible to him. When he heard the verses about there being rivers in the sea and paths in the oceans he set about finding them based on his faith in God’s Word.  In ancient times the ocean bottoms were thought to be smooth like a bowl. Scripture said there were mountains and canyons on the sea floor which wasn’t verified until many centuries later. There are over 10,000 underwater volcanoes under the ocean that spew out fresh water. Scripture alludes to these fountains and springs under the sea.

The Holy Bible is the ultimate in wisdom literature and millions of lives could have been saved over the centuries if its precepts had been followed.  The Bible tells us the life of the flesh is in the blood yet until the mid-1800’s the major treatment for the sick was bloodletting, which only weakens the patient.  This practice is what killed George Washington.  When God gave the Law of Moses to the Israelites it included health and sanitation guidelines that included segregated latrines and isolating the sick.  Civilization in general and armies in particular lost millions of lives due to sickness and disease up through the U. S. Civil War because they didn’t apply God’s wisdom to their lives.

God requires all Jewish men to be circumcised when they are eight days old.  That is the day the level of blood clotting agent is highest in a person’s entire life.  There is a cancer causing bacteria that can be transmitted by uncircumcised males.  Science discovered this a couple thousand years later.  The Bible describes the hydrological cycle later confirmed by science.  In ancient times life was thought to self-generate from nothing while the Bible says all living things produce after their kind which we know to be true.  The left pushes the theory of evolution yet there is not one shred of evidence that shows any living species has evolved in any way whatsoever from the way God made them.  Not one.  None.