The Holy Bible (#3)

The Bible is historically accurate. For 2000 years scoffers have tried to debunk the Bible and failed miserably. No place mentioned in the Bible has ever been proven not to exist. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Archaeology has confirmed the Bible version of places numerous times.  Detractors said there was no such person as King David. This remained unproven until a few years ago when stones were unearthed referencing the house of David. The Bible mentioned the Hittites, a nation from modern day Turkey, and historians said no such people existed. Low and behold, excavations a few years ago discovered the remnants of the Hittite civilization.  Sodom and Gomorrah were said not to exist.  The ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah have been discovered and the cities were destroyed by fire as God said.  

Most famous of all was the biblical account of the walls of Jericho which God caused to fall all at once with a blast of the trumpet. Disbelievers said no way. I don’t know how they proved it but years ago excavation at the site proved the walls of Jericho fell all at once and outward.  If walls are collapsed in a siege they always fall inward and only in limited areas for entry and not the entire circumference of a big city and all at once. If an earthquake occurred, who caused the earthquake, and in such a way that only the entire wall was affected but not the structures inside the city? Obviously Jericho was a divine occurrence, not only by the evidence but by the declaration of God Himself.  Unbelievers thought if they could prove just one thing false in the Bible they could claim the entire Bible is a fable. 

For 2000 years they hung their hat on the fact the Bible mentions Israel prominently in end time events and Israel didn’t exist.  That was true until May 14, 1948, when Israel was reborn as a nation in a single day, as foretold in prophecy.  No nation in history has ever done that before or since.  There are at least 18 prophecies about Israel that have been fulfilled and documented.  Over 500 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and documented as historical fact.  No Bible prophecy has failed to be fulfilled in its due time which is a 100% success rate.  Therefore, we have confidence that the rest of the Bible prophecies will also come to pass.  No rational person can examine the facts and conclude anything other than the obvious, the Holy Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.