The Holy Bible (#2)

The unity of the Bible is amazing. The 66 books of the Bible were written over a period of about 1500 years. It’s possible the book of Job could be much older, maybe as old as 2600 BC. The Bible’s 40 authors ranged from scholars like Paul to illiterate fishermen like Peter and John. Writers included prophets, kings, priests and simple farmers.  The commonality between all the writers is that they wrote their particular book or books as they were moved by the Holy Spirit of God so that the text reflected the personality of the writer but also said exactly what God wanted said.  You don’t get a sense of the Bible’s unity until you read the entire Bible like I have (three times). People from different backgrounds, education and life experiences wrote in such a manner that when compiled together reads like there is a single author (there is!).

Every book of the Bible is woven with the story of God’s love for man, His special creation, and His salvation plan for us through the coming of Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from a sin-filled world. The entire Bible makes it clear our ultimate destiny is heaven where we will enjoy fellowship with God for eternity.  Most of these writers of the Bible had no knowledge of what others had written yet amazingly they never walked over each other or contradicted each other. In addition to the consistent message, the scriptural cross-references are without error.  This would be impossible for a single human author let alone 40 authors over a span of 1500 years.  In the New Testament alone there are hundreds of scriptural references to the Old Testament.  The books of Luke and Acts were written by a Gentile physician with no knowledge of the Law of Moses yet his text is flawless.  

The Bible is one third prophecy.  People don’t know what will happen in the future and if they’re writing prophecy it’s coming to them from God, the author of history.  All of the writers freely admitted they were writing as God directed.  God gave us prophecy so that we would know what is to come but also to prove that He is God and there is no other.  The Bible contains over 1000 prophecies, 500 of which have been fulfilled and the rest are awaiting their due time.  Not one single prophecy of any other religion has even been fulfilled.  It can’t, because they are all fake attempts by Satan to divert man from the truth of the gospel message.  The only logical conclusion is God Himself is the author of the Holy Bible, God’s Word.  Not only do I know this to be true by the evidence I know it to be true in my spirit as confirmed by the Holy Spirit that dwells within me.