The Holy Bible (#1)

If you had a nuclear bomb in your house I think you’d know where it was at all times. You’d think about it often and look upon it with fear, knowing the awesome power could be unleashed at any moment. I think you’d be very respectful of it and careful who touched it.  The Holy Bible, God’s Word, is the most powerful instrument on earth and deserves the same kind of awe and respect. Think of it as a spiritual nuclear bomb able to condemn souls to hell forever or to save souls to heaven for eternity.  I think about all the times growing up I dismissed the Bible as just another book I ought to read someday. As an adult your life gets complicated and most of us never get around to reading God’s revelation to man. I didn’t get around to reading the entire Bible until I was in my 50’s. I missed so much! I lost so much time!

Unbelievers haven’t read the Bible or they would be believers. When someone tells me they don’t believe the Bible was written by God I know they haven’t read it. They are making an assumption or going on what someone else has told them.  You can’t read the Bible all the way through without the Holy Spirit communing with your spirit and verifying the Bible is God’s Word.  It’s impossible, if you have an open mind.  For  2-3% of Bible readers it could take a second reading to convince them if they have an agenda before starting.  Only 10% of Christians who attend church regularly have read their Bible in its entirety.  Fewer still actually engage in personal Bible study.  What does that say about non-Christians who don’t go to church?  Not one person in a hundred out there on the street actually has a good working knowledge of God’s Word.  The most important thing we can know and the source of all wisdom and nobody knows it.

What can we do?  Start now and read the entire New Testament and then start on the Old Testament.  Read your Bible daily.  See that your family does the same.  Attend church as a family and discuss the Bible.  Teach your children and grandchildren to pray.  If you don’t do it who will?  If you don’t the secular world’s education system will turn your kids into liberal atheists by the time they graduate college.  Never forget Satan is the god of this world and opposes God’s Word at every turn.  The younger generation, for the most part,  does not honor God as their fathers did.  God is Spirit and must be worshiped in spirit.  We must believe that God is, and that God rewards those who believe in Him with eternal life.  People have a tendency to believe only what they can see.  When you witness to people you can start with the Bible, something they can see, touch and read.  There is compelling evidence about the Bible that should convince any logical person that God is the author.  Learn the truth yourself and be ready to share the “good news”.