I was always amazed that one little bitty sin could cause God to sentence someone to the lake of fire and brimstone for a billion trillion years, and the rest. It has always sounded a bit severe to my way of thinking. Let’s say you’re twelve years old and you go in a store and steal a candy bar. You’re old enough to know better and one of God’s commandments is, “You shall not steal.” You’ve sinned against God. Are we saying that one little sin of yours, if not addressed, could potentially cause the human race to become extinct and the earth destroyed so it becomes a lifeless rock orbiting the sun. Theoretically, absolutely, yes it could. Let me explain.
When God made the universe he established all the physical and spiritual parameters by which everything must function or operate. God is good, perfect and all-knowing so what God created was also good and perfect. Whatever God commands to happen becomes the law of God. The New Testament was first written in Greek and sin was referred to as “parabasis”, which means, “to overstep a forbidden line.” Sin occurs when man deliberately of accidentally steps over the line or boundary of God’s perfect law.
Why is it that one little sin is so bad? Sin is anything, no matter how small, that intrudes or impinges on God’s perfect creation and causes it be be corrupted. Corruption will lead to collapse which ultimately leads to destruction. God’s perfect creation, both man and earth, will ultimately collapse under the weight of “any” imperfection (sin) if that sin isn’t removed. That’s why there’s no such thing as a little sin. The Bible doesn’t mention degrees of sin. Sin is sin. Whether the sin is a small pebble or a giant boulder, both will cause the same result, the destruction of God’s construct, if not addressed.
1 John 3:4 – Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
Everything in God’s creation was perfect until Lucifer, the top angel in heaven, overstepped a forbidden line and became the universe’s first sinner. Lucifer had “pride” in his wisdom, power and beauty. Pride was the first sin and it caused Lucifer to lead a rebellion of angels in heaven against the God that made them all. Lucifer and his fallen angels were defeated and thrown to earth because sin cannot remain where God is because God is holy. Lucifer degenerated into the Devil because of sin. The Dragon is the source and strength of sin.
Luke 10:18- (Jesus speaking) – I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Ezekiel 28:17 – Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground. I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you.
In the Garden of Eden everything was perfect as Adam and Eve fellowshipped with God. Satan tempted Adam and Eve and they overstepped the forbidden line God set for his creation. Adam and Eve broke God’s law. Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree God commanded them not to eat from. By disobeying God Adam and Eve sinned, bringing corruption into the world. Adam, as the first man, passed his sin on to all men who came after him. For men, the wages of sin is death. The fate of everyone on earth who doesn’t get their sins removed is both physical death (the first death) and spiritual death (the second death). Because of our sin nature from Adam there’s no way to escape the first death unless you’re alive when Jesus comes to rapture all believers. The second death, spiritual death, is the important one because it means separation from God forever in the lake of fire. By his love, mercy and grace God has provided us a way to avoid hell if we accept his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Jesus died a horrible death on the cross in our place so that we’d have the opportunity to accept the grace of God unto eternal life. God has given us the free will to choose God or Satan. Evaluate your options and choose wisely while there is still time.
We’re all God’s children and he loves us dearly so a just God took the only course available to him. God sent his Son Jesus Christ to earth to die on the cross in our place. Jesus was the only sinless sacrifice suitable to God that would allow God to forgive our sins, if we believe in God and his Christ. Those who reject Jesus will not have their sins forgiven and will face God’s wrath on the last day. Sin also affects the earth and all the plants and animal on it. Jesus will reverse the earth’s decay at his second coming. Sin is the cause of everything bad that happens to us.
Adam and Eve were immortal and because of sin they grew old and died. Because of our sin we all suffer physical death as well. All the pain, hardship and strife humans go through on this earth is a direct result of our sin. Sin is a big deal. It’s the biggest deal of all. Removal of sin will restore us and the world to the way it was in the beginning with Adam and Eve. The only way that is possible is for us is to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. God has given us a way out of hell if we’ll only accept the grace he is offering. Punch your ticket to heaven by faith in Jesus right now. Or you can stay on the train you’re on right now which is heading straight to hell. For those who have ears, let them hear and understand.