Study of the gospel of Matthew (#10)

We all know the story of the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus ate his last meal with His disciples, the Lord’s Supper, where He described to them the new covenant going forward due to His blood being shed on the cross for them. After going to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray Jesus was arrested, tried in secret and sentenced to die.  Jesus was taken before the Roman governor, Pilate, because only the Romans could execute someone. Pilate confirmed the sentence and at 9:00 am on Passover Jesus was nailed to the cross and at 3:00 PM Jesus died. Jesus was buried before sundown according to Jewish custom and He rose from the dead three days later.

Temple sacrifices were at 3:00 PM sharp. Jesus died at that exact time because on that day Jesus was the sacrifice for us all, the only sacrifice that would ever be needed for the forgiveness of sins for all men past, present and future. God signified that by ripping the veil in front of the Holy of Holies where the ark was kept and where God’s presence was.  This curtain was sixty feet tall, thirty feet wide and an inch thick and very heavy. Only God could rip it down its entire length. No longer would only one man once a year be allowed in God’s presence. Through Jesus each person now has unfettered access to God 24/7 and our bodies have become God’s temple. Animal sacrifices are no longer necessary to cover sins that have been forgiven once and for all by the death of Jesus.

Crucifixion was such a terrible way to die the Romans outlawed it shortly after the death of Jesus. Victims were normally left on the cross to rot. Eventually the remains were thrown on the garbage dump for the dogs, carrion and insects to finish off.  God intervened to make sure Jesus was removed from the cross shortly after his death by a rich disciple named Joseph of Arimathea who then prepared Jesus for burial and entombed him in a new rock tomb before sundown as was the Jewish custom.  Because of Jesus dying on the cross for us God made a promise to forgive our sins if we believe in Jesus and and ask for forgiveness. God cannot lie nor can He break a promise. Think of it! We now have our fellowship restored with God and can enjoy eternal life in heaven with the Father all because Jesus died in our place. Jesus paid our sin debt. That’s why we call Jesus Lord. That’s why we call Jesus Savior.

The second promise God made because of Jesus’ death was to write His laws on our hearts with His Holy Spirit so we could be faithful and have access to God in prayer. Think of it! In Old Testament times only kings, prophets or priests could talk with God. God now says all people have access to Him through the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross.  Our sins have been forgiven and when God looks at us He sees only the righteousness of His beloved Son which Jesus bestowed upon us when he took our sins away. Jesus got our sin and we got His righteousness. We didn’t deserve it but God loved us that much. The mercy and grace of our God is unfathomable.