Start where you are

I’ve been in overdrive since I started blogging six days ago.  I’ve been studying God’s Word for years and emailing my family and friends about it.  I was blogging before I even knew what blogging was.  Now I have an outlet so I no longer have to fill up the inbox of my family and friends.  I’ve posted 26 blogs in six days which I consider the bedrock of my blog site.  The purpose of this site is to WITNESS FOR CHRIST and to encourage and exhort others to do the same.  Of course to witness you need to be knowledgeable about the Bible so we must all continually STUDY GOD’S WORD.  Witnessing and studying are two sides of the same coin and we should never cease doing both.  Since the crucifixion of Jesus God has continued to spread the gospel message to an unsaved world.

It started with the disciples of Jesus who traveled throughout the known world preaching the gospel of Christ.  The pagan world was ready for a personal God who cared for them.  Small group gatherings continued to grow and morphed into established churches with leaders preaching the good news.  Those who by faith accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior became known as Christians.  Missionaries have fanned out throughout the globe sharing God’s Word.  We have Christian writers, revivals and then evangelists preaching to worldwide audiences on radio and then television.   We have Christian television stations broadcasting continuously.  God takes advantage of new technology as it’s created in order to spread the gospel more effectively.

We find ourselves at this point in history where blogging is the latest innovation to reach an unsaved world with God’s salvation plan for man.  Everyone doesn’t go to an established church and blogging is also a way to connect the with the body of Christ for those of us who know the truth and want to discuss it in a safe forum.  I believe God has been preparing me to be a blogger all my life.  My talents and mindset lean in that direction.  The Holy Spirit has been pushing me in this direction for some time now I just didn’t know it.  God had a fellow believer come to me with the suggestion that I start a blog site.  I thought, “Of course, that’s the answer!”  All I know is I love it.  I need to blog like I need food and water.  I have a continual thirst for God’s Word and I feel compelled to share it and discuss it with anyone who’ll listen.  I need to reach out to my brothers and sisters in Christ regularly.