The Bible is God’s wisdom so it’s imperative we read it, hear it and say it. We should study the Bible and read it every day so that the knowledge it contains becomes ingrained into our very being. The Bible should become such a part of us we cannot be separated from its teachings. Pray first for God to increase your faith. God initially gives each person a little bit of faith, enough to believe in Jesus unto salvation, but it’s up to the individual to grow that faith through God’s Word. Pray to God for the wisdom to apply His Word in your life.
One spiritual law is words have power. God spoke the universe into existence and He will end it the same way. Jesus will defeat Satan at Armageddon using only the words of His mouth. Spiritual law is set in motion by the words we speak. Our faith is released by our words spoken from the heart. The power of binding and loosing on earth is given to man by the words we speak in faith. The creative power of the Word will come forth performing that which is spoken in faith.
Confess victory in the face of apparent defeat. Confess abundance in the face of apparent lack. We can have whatever we say as long as we keep saying it and have faith because the spoken Word will work for you as you confess it continually. The treasures of the heart cannot be hidden, but are manifest through words. Your faith is your voice of authority and all things know the voice of authority.
The faith in your heart (the spiritual man) is released by the natural man through the spoken word. This is one way the power of the spirit world is transferred to the physical world. It just has to agree with God’s Word and be spoken in faith. We know that God has assigned angels to help us (guardian angels). These angels are activated in our behalf by faith-filled words that agree with God’s Word. It’s a spiritual law that a man will reap what he sows so be careful to sow only what is good for you.