Spiritual battlefield

There are unseen forces, both angelic and demonic, that are actively working around us. God has a plan for our lives and works planned for us to do but Satan opposes God at every turn. That is spiritual warfare and the battle between good and evil has been going on since the dawn of human history.  Go to Amazon or Ebay and buy a copy of Stu Weber’s book “Spirit Warriors” for an in depth look at spiritual warfare. We can’t opt out of this fight because it’s about us and it’s all around us. We have to be in it to win it. To sit on the sideline is to forfeit any chance of victory.  This fight is in the spiritual realm against powers in heavenly places.

While we are in our earthly bodies in this physical realm we cannot see into the spiritual realm but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Remember in Scripture when the prophet Elisha asked God to lower the veil between the spiritual and physical realms so his servant could see the angels from heaven stationed around them for protection. We’re that close and can’t see it.  Remember also when the archangel Gabriel was dispatched by God to speak with Daniel in response to Daniel’s prayers for Israel. Gabriel said he was delayed three weeks in a struggle with the prince of Persia, the demon controlling that area of the world.  The archangel Michael finally had to join the battle with Gabriel in order to free up Gabriel to complete his assignment from God.

Angels are very powerful. Can you imagine what it must look like for a thousand angel engaged in hand to hand combat with an equal force of demons?  Half the battle is just realizing there is a real firefight going on all around us. Without God and His angels protecting us the powers of darkness would destroy all human beings on earth within days. God loves us and in His Word He has given us everything we need to be victorious against Satan.  Put on the whole armor of God that is described in Ephesians 6:10-20, and take the battle to the enemy. Victory is already assured if we just obey God’s commands because God’s Word is truth and must come to pass. God loves us and would not leave us defenseless.