Saying Yes to God (#2)

There are several types of prayers to God, one of which is the seldom-used prayer of rejoicing. Bible affirmations are merely prayers of rejoicing meant to glorify God. I’ve learned that Bible affirmations are the best way for me to express joy in the Lord and also the best way for me to remain in fellowship with my creator. You can’t stray far from God if you speak daily Bible affirmations because they will keep your eyes on Jesus. I think it’ll work that way with everyone. Bible affirmations differ from other types of prayers because they are “set” prayers, as opposed to “extemporary” prayers. Now if you’re good at extemporaneous prayers and you have a photographic memory you don’t need Bible affirmations.

For those of us who don’t have that skill set Bible affirmations work well for us because they say what needs to be said. With Bible affirmations our prayers are consistent and we don’t forget anything. Using Bible affirmations is not weird. It makes perfect sense. God isn’t offended when you pray to him using prayers you’ve written down on index cards beforehand. Just because you wrote your prayer down on an index card doesn’t negate the fact that it’s still your personal prayer to God and therefore not a vain repetition in the eyes of God. God is still glorified by our prayers whether we read them off an index card or speak our prayers extemporaneously, as long as we speak the truth from our heart. The key thing is to speak God’s word before the throne of grace while also declaring obedience to God.

Bible affirmations may not be extemporary but they are nonetheless prayers to God that are personalized, thorough, and complete. That makes Bible affirmations the perfect repeatable prayer and we know repetition is one of the ways we train our mind and spirit in godliness. When we pray to God using Bible affirmations we’re saying “yes”, we’ll obey the commandments of God. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray what did Jesus do? Jesus taught them the Lord’s Prayer, which is a Bible affirmation and also a prayer of rejoicing (see Matthew 6:9-13). I don’t know of any believing Christian that hasn’t at some point in their life recited the Lord’s Prayer before God. I keep the Lord’s Prayer on my desk so I can pray it before God several times a week. The Lord’s Prayer is perfect and it makes me feel closer to God. The fact that we have the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible given to us as an example of how we are to pray to God the Father just confirms to me that we have God’s approval to freely use Bible affirmations in prayer.


Proverbs 14:25 – A true witness delivers souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies.

Proverbs 11:30 – The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.

James 5:20 – He who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death.

NOTE: In this particular Bible affirmation I’ve included three Bible verses because they say essentially the same thing but with different words. Taken together as a whole they help explain more fully what God is telling us to do. Proverbs 14:25 tells us Christian believers are true witnesses because Jehovah is the one true God and the followers of all the other fake religions and false gods sponsored by Satan are deceitful witnesses. A true witness speaks the truth of God, the gospel message of Jesus Christ, to save and deliver souls unto eternal life in heaven. By the same token, a deceitful witness does not tell the truth. He tells lies to hide the truth of God from nonbelievers so that their soul is taken down to the pit by Satan. If a deceitful witness actually thinks he’s telling the truth then he’s a fool according to God, because the truth of God is self-evident. All we have to do is look at the universe around us and read God’s word. How hard is that? The Bible describes God’s salvation plan for man, which calls for believers to save nonbelievers to heaven by their witness for Christ.

There are numerous scriptures where God refers to believers who save lost souls to heaven as being “wise.” God uses the metaphor of “fruit” to represent a soul saved for heaven. When God uses the term “righteous” he’s referring to saved Christians indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Sharing the gospel message of Christ is the “good works” believers are to do here on earth. Believers are commanded to “redeem” their time on earth by saving nonbelievers to heaven. The only pathway to heaven is through Jesus Christ; by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior because he died for our sins. If anyone preaches a different gospel than this then he is deceitful and he is a liar who will face the wrath of God on the last day. James 5:20 makes it clear that God expects all believers to witness for Christ to turn sinners away from the error of their way which leads to the pit for all eternity. At our conception God gives each of us an eternal spirit so we become immortal beings in that instant. When God talks about us in his word, in spiritual terms, “life” means eternal life in heaven, and “death” means eternal death in hell. Believers witnessing for Christ to nonbelievers can save a soul from eternal death in hell and deliver that soul to eternal life in heaven. That is our job!


I will bless the Lord daily for allowing me to help save nonbelievers from death. With the help of Almighty God, I will deliver lost souls to the kingdom of heaven through my true witness for Jesus Christ. I will be wise in the eyes of the Lord by winning souls for God. As the righteousness of Christ, I will produce much fruit for heaven all the days of my life. May the Lord grant me forty years in his service or until Jesus comes in the air for his saints.

NOTE: Bible affirmations are personal to the individual and no two are alike. At the end of this Bible affirmation I’m making a request to God that has no reference to the verse or verses in question. I do this quite often. In my study of God’s word I noticed that during Old Testament times the Lord often allowed many of his prophets, priests, and kings to serve him for forty years. The number forty is important to God. I’m jealous of that because I was a backslider for forty years and I pray daily that God will let me serve him for forty years like his servants of old. If God grants my prayers I’ll live until I’m 92 years old (I’m 72 now).

Another problem is I’m a student of prophecy and a lover of the coming rapture of believers to meet Jesus in the air. I’ve calculated that Jesus will come in the air for his saints on Pentecost of 2033 or shortly thereafter. That’s only a short nine years away. I know it’s a fool’s errand to predict what God will do but I can’t help myself. I have always loved Bible prophecy and trying to figure out God’s timeline for the end of times. If my guess is correct, that means the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the Mount of Olives will be seven years after the rapture (sometime in 2040). I’ve asked the Lord to bless my life so that I’m alive should my predicted rapture date be correct. I continually pray to God to let me be raptured alive to meet Jesus in the air to receive my glorified body, before I return to heaven to be with Jesus Christ forever. Basically, I’m asking the Lord to spare me the sting of death if he’s returning soon. Since I don’t know the end from the beginning, but God does, I’ve asked God to grant my prayers based on whichever scenario that I’ve just described comes first; because God knows the end from the beginning. God’s will is perfect. God’s timing is perfect. I have total trust is in the Lord to do what’s best for me because he loves me and wants the best for me. Praise God!

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