Saying Yes to God (#1)

When you speak Bible affirmations before the Lord you’re saying “yes” to God that you will obey one and possibly all 129 commandments from God that are contained in the Bible, many of which are redundant. Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible has a complete list of the commandments of God, or you can do an internet search to find them. Either way, you have no excuse for not knowing what the commandments of God are. Being ignorant about what God requires of you is not an acceptable excuse before the Lord. To maintain fellowship with the Lord you need to keep saying “yes” to God every day if you can, but at least weekly.

In a loud and clear voice give your testimony before God that you will “obey” the specific commandments of God you’re mentioning in your affirmation. By your affirmation you’re swearing an oath of obedience before the throne of grace, the host of heaven, and Satan and his fallen angels. You’re making a very public promise to God before a spiritual audience, which is no small thing because God expects you to keep your promises. The Bible says we shouldn’t be making any oaths at all but if we do decide to make an oath we need to make sure our “yes” means “yes” and our “no” means “no.”

The Bible says that we’re saved by our lips but we’re also condemned by what we say. The Bible says we can have what we ask for in prayer as long as we believe that God will answer our prayers. That’s a promise from God and we know that God cannot lie. One of the spiritual truths of heaven is prayers don’t work without faith. Make sure you think before you open your mouth and then ask God for what you need, and then do what you say you’ll do or don’t say it at all. The spoken word is very important to God! In essence, you’re entering into a legally binding verbal contract with God.

In his word, God promises to bless all believers who obey his commandments. God decides who to bless and how much. God’s blessings are dependent upon our actions. God is generous to a fault and we get to keep what we earn for all eternity. The important thing for us to remember is that God is always good, constant, and ever faithful to forgive us of our sins and grant our prayers. God is never arbitrary or vengeful. That means God is consistent in his application of the blessings he dispenses. God is fair to everyone and God will fulfill all his promises. We can be sure we’ll get all the blessings we deserve from God both during our lifetime on earth and forever in heaven.

I have around sixty Bible affirmations I speak before the Lord. I wrote them on 4″ X 6″ index cards and I broke them down into five equal stacks; one for each day of the work week (Monday through Friday). I usually take a break at the weekend. Sometimes I get busy and miss a day here and there. But then I pick up where I left off so I may wind up mixing up my days quite a bit. The important thing is I do all my affirmations in the same order every week and the contents of each stack of affirmations are fairly consistent. However, the contents of my affirmations are always changing slightly over time and evolving as I speak them to God because I keep tweaking them to make them better.

When I glorify God by speaking his word after him (the holy Scriptures) I want to make sure my affirmation, first of all, fits the verse and, second, that the actions I promise to take are consistent with and obedient to the commandments of God. When speaking to God you never pray just once and think you’re done. Repetition is a good thing so keep praying without ceasing until God answers your prayers. God wants us to pray continually because God is glorified when we pray to him. Praying daily to God keeps us in fellowship with our creator. When you say something over and over, especially in prayer, it trains your mind and your spirit. When the human mind hears something over and over it accepts what it hears as the truth which is why we need to be careful what we feed our mind. I’m now going to review my Bible affirmations, one at a time, to see how they’ve changed since I last talked about them in my blog. I’ll start with my stack of Monday affirmations:


2 Corinthians 5:18 – Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

NOTE: The above scripture is one of my favorite verses. I keep it on my desk so I can read it every morning while I drink my pot of coffee. 2 Corinthians 5:18 tells us pretty much all we need to know about God. From this scripture we know that God made us, the earth, and the entire universe. Notice the verse doesn’t say all things are “from” God; the verse says all things are “of” God. That’s an important distinction. It means God is inseparable from his creation. God can exist without his creation but God’s creation cannot exist without God’s guiding hand. The universe rotates and moves in perfectly synchronized motion, like clockwork, only because of God’s continuous involvement. That means we exist, live, and breathe only because of God’s favor by his upturned hand. The day that God withdraws his favor from man and removes his hand the universe will melt away into nothingness.

2 Corinthians 5:18 tells us man was separated from God by Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden. Adam was the first man on earth and his original sin broke his fellowship with God the Father, and this sin and broken fellowship was passed down to all men who came after Adam. We know that God sent his son Jesus Christ to reconcile man to God; to restore the fellowship between God and man by dying on the cross in our place so that the sins of man could be forgiven by a just and merciful God through our faith. We are saved to heaven when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. As a child of God, each believer is commanded to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ with all nations and all people.

The above verse says we are given the “ministry of reconciliation” from God, which is just another way of saying we are to “witness for Christ.” This is not a request from God; it’s a commandment from God. If we want to please God on the last day when we stand before the bema judgment seat of Jesus Christ believers must fulfill the Great Commission, which is to share the gospel message of Christ with all nations and all people. It’s the number one commandment from God to believers. It’s the thing dearest to God’s heart. Every single day millions of nonbelievers are dying and going straight to hell for lack of a witness for Christ. Keep in mind that 90% of the saints in heaven are there through faith in Jesus alone, never having saved even one person to heaven by their witness for Christ.

We are all creatures made by the hands of God, therefore every soul is priceless to God. Believers must do everything in their power to save at least one nonbeliever to the kingdom of heaven if they want to receive honor, glory, and riches from God on the last day. It stands to reason that if every soul is priceless to God then saving even one person to heaven will result in some level of honor, glory, and riches from God. How could it be otherwise? Saving one person puts you into the top 10% of the saints in heaven. Of course, God wants us to save as many people to heaven as we can but one will do. If you don’t save at least one person to heaven you’ll be like 90% of the saints in heaven and be a worker bee forever.

The more souls we save the higher up the pecking order we are in heaven and the more honor, glory, and riches God will bestow upon us. I don’t know about you but I want more of everything God has to offer and I’m willing to work for it because I know whatever I earn by my “good works” down here will last forever in heaven. I have a good pension because I worked hard all my life to achieve it. My pension ends when I die. When I work hard for the Lord the pension he’ll give me will last forever because I’ll never die. As believers, we can’t save everyone but we can save some. Some believers will save thirty people to heaven, some sixty, and some one hundred. God says a hundred people saved to heaven is a good harvest. One percent of the saints in heaven will save “many” nonbelievers to the kingdom of heaven and one day they’ll shine as the stars in the firmament like it says in Daniel 12:3.

As I’ve strived to save nonbelievers to heaven the last ten years the number 1000 kept popping up in my head as the goal I should shoot for. Did that number come from my mind or did it come from the Holy Spirit? I wasn’t sure so I prayed to God for months seeking the answer. God finally answered my prayers through another believer and confirmed to me that 1000 souls saved for heaven will qualify as saving “many” in the eyes of God. During my witness for Christ I calculate that I’ve saved over a hundred lost souls to the kingdom of heaven, to the glory of God. I used to keep track of how many people I’ve saved to heaven by my ministry. I don’t need to keep count anymore because I’ve already saved more than 100 people, which is more than 95% of the saints in heaven.

However, I’m not satisfied with only saving 100 people; not when there are millions of my nonbelieving brothers and sisters who are dying every day and going to hell for all eternity. Not on my watch! Somebody has to save them. So I keep my head down, working hard in God’s harvest every day. My mantra every single day is to save, “one more for Jesus.” It’s the first thing I think about every morning when my eyes open and it’s the last on my mind when I go to bed at night. I won’t stop until I reach the goal God gave me, which is to save 1000 nonbelievers to heaven.

I’ll run the race God has given me to run, with perseverance, until the Lord decides to take me home. Saving people to heaven is the only “good work” worth doing in this world and time is short. It’s the only thing that has any real impact on our eternal existence because our honor, glory, and riches in heaven will depend on how many people we save. In the book of Ecclesiastes King Solomon said life is meaningless apart from a right relationship with God and he was right. A right relationship with God is maintained when we witness for Christ as often as we can to save nonbelievers to heaven.


“Thank you God for creating the universe and making me who I am. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins. I bless you Lord for calling me to salvation unto eternal life in heaven through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I’m grateful for the “good works” you have given me to do on earth. I’m blessed to have the privilege of working alongside my King in his harvest field to help save lost souls to heaven by my witness for Christ. With perseverance, I will spread the gospel seed of Christ “passively” through my two Christian blog sites and my Christian tract ministry to save “one more for Jesus” every day on my walk with God. O Lord, use the gospel seed I cast before you to save many nonbelievers to heaven through your Holy Spirit.”

NOTE: I always make sure my affirmation confirms the truth of every Bible verse I’m talking about as well as my obedience to God’s commandments. It glorifies God to speak his word after him just as it glorifies God when I also affirm my obedience. We need to thank God continually for calling us and saving us. Throughout human history God has only called about one out of every thousand people to heaven. If we find ourselves to be one of the lucky ones, the few going to heaven, we should thank God profusely every day of our life. If you’re saved unto heaven it’s like winning the ultimate lottery, the lottery of eternal life! God gives each of us a ministry whether we know it or not and I’m fortunate enough to know what my ministry is. Do you what yours is? Why don’t you ask God to tell you?

Long ago the Holy Spirit gave me the ministry of studying God’s word and giving my testimony. The Holy Spirit gave me an unquenchable thirst for God’s word, which has never left me to this day. Praise God! However, it took me a while to figure out what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me. Over time my ministry has evolved into my Christian blog and my Christian tract ministry, for which I’m thankful to God. Saving someone to heaven is a partnership between man and the Holy Spirit, who is both in us and with us as we share our witness for Christ. God’s salvation plan for man calls for human hands to do the “good work” of God on this earth by our witness for Christ. But it’s God’s wisdom and guidance in us and with us that saves nonbelievers to the kingdom of heaven. All the glory goes to God.

Man does 20% of the work required to save someone and God does the other 80%. God does the heavy lifting. Our job is to plant and water the gospel seed by our witness for Christ, but the harvest, the increase, belongs to God. We are all merely vessels made by God for his pleasure. We are the care giver for our fellow man through our witness for Christ. God is the cure giver for all men because he gifts what we all desperately need, which is salvation unto eternal life in heaven. God saves whom he chooses to save, by his love, mercy, and grace. God doesn’t need us to save man. God graciously lets man help save others so he can give us honor, glory, and riches in heaven for our obedience.

As you share your witness for Christ with nonbelievers make sure you pray to God for his help before, during, and after your witness because God does the saving not you. Ask the Holy Spirit within you, your Helper, to help bring your prayers before the throne of grace in such a manner that they are acceptable to God and pleasing in his sight. Ask Jesus, as your Mediator, to argue your case before the court of heaven. I know that continuous prayers to God will exponentially increase the number of lost souls God will add to your account in heaven, for which you’ll be rewarded on the last day. Just don’t go before God empty-handed. Rejoice in the Lord, for he loves us!

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