Satan’s tricks

Satan has already faced off against God with a frontal assault during the war in heaven and was soundly defeated. Satan now uses an indirect approach to oppose God. In war the weaker army often resorts to guerrilla tactics and Satan has done likewise with spiritual warfare.  Satan does not deny the existence of God. Instead, Satan has led mankind off on on tangents chasing after false Gods. All the world’s religions, except Judaism and Christianity, are attempts by Satan to keep man from the truth of God’s Word and the salvation available to them.  Always remember, Satan is the father of lies and the great deceiver.

The fact that Satan could convince a third of the angel of heaven to follow him is a testament to his cunning and powers of persuasion.  If Satan could fool angels who have stood in God’s presence what chance does man have on earth unless he is protected by God’s Word? We stand no chance in these end times against the coming false Christs, false prophets and churches falling away from sound doctrine outside of the strength of the Holy Spirit to protect us and guide us.  Read and study your Bible daily for instruction and understanding so you will know false teaching when you hear it. Pray that God will illuminate false teachings for you through the Holy Spirit.  Put on the full armor of God against the forces of evil in this world and stand.