Proofs that God made man (#4 and last)

2. Science has proven man only uses 10% of his brain. The basic premise of evolution is an organism will evolve to the level it needs for survival and no more. An organism will not waste energy to build excess capacity for later use. How then can we explain man’s 90% brain capacity that is unused? Evolution cannot explain this but the Bible can. God made man with more mental capabilities than we have now and Adam and Eve used those mental capabilities. When Adam and Eve sinned against God they were expelled from the Garden of Eden into a fallen world where man’s mental abilities have been curtailed. All creation has been stunted due to man’s sin. Man will regain his full brain capacity at the Second Coming when Christ returns to the earth. Did you know the human brain processes 10 to the 24th power bits of information it receives every day, which is a million times more than the total human knowledge contained in all the world’s libraries (10 to the 18th power)? This supercomputer of a brain we have is far more than we need for basic survival so it doesn’t fit the evolution parameters even at 10% capacity. Can you imagine what we’ll be able to do when our brains are back at 100%?

The evolution of life is not logical yet here we are. The only logical explanation is we were made by a loving God just as the Bible says. The obvious question then becomes “why”? God tells us in His Word we were made for His pleasure and for fellowship with Him in heaven forever as His children. The Holy Bible contains all the wisdom we’ll ever need. It’s our way to find God and reach heaven. It’s up to each of us as individuals to seek out the living God and accept His gift of eternal life. We’re all born on a conveyor belt leading straight to hell. To do nothing is to wind up in the pit for eternity where we’ll be in constant torment. It’s up to us to grab hold of God’s extended hand and let Him pull us off of that conveyor belt before it’s too late. When God gives us eternal life we become ambassadors for Christ and are commanded to be His witness to unbelievers and do good works. Daily Bible reading and prayer will allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and empower us to do the work God has planned for us to do. Following the commands of God will bring us honor and glory in heaven.