Proofs that God made man (#3)

If you were walking in the forest and stumbled upon a brand new Lexus would you think it simply evolved into a luxury car on its own just because it was there? Were the elements of the earth smart enough on their own to turn into tires because they knew they would be needed for the car to move? Did the elements of the motor refine themselves into steel and aluminum because they understood they must come together as a means of propelling the car? Did the elements of gasoline know they had to distill themselves from crude oil into fuel to operate the car’s motor? Sounds silly doesn’t it? I would feel silly in the same way if I said I believed in evolution.

No intelligent person could be expected to believe a new Lexus with thousands of parts simply evolved from the earth on its own. It’s self-evident the luxury car was made by someone. Yet we are expected to believe that a complex human being made up of 30 trillion specialized cells simply evolved from the primordial mud as one-celled organisms evolving into a human being on their own. A human being is a million times more complex than a car therefore it’s also self-evident we were made by someone. That someone is Almighty God, Creator of the universe.

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Pinch yourself, you’re real and you’re actually here so what now? God placed you here and in the above Scripture God is inviting you to put your thinking cap on and connect the dots as to why you’re here. God primarily speaks to us through His Word, the Holy Bible, so if you are to reason together with God you must study your Bible. Not just read it now and then but every day and all the way through with prayer and meditation, Nothing is more important than reading your owner’s manual because God reveals Himself to us in His Word. You are here to seek God and find salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The main reason God leaves us here after becoming children of God is so we can witness for Christ by spreading the gospel. God does not want anybody to spend eternity in hell.