Proofs that God made man (#2)

1. Human beings are composed of an average of 30 trillion cells arranged into numerous tissues, organs, and enclosed body systems, all with a critical role to play in our existence and survival. It is true the basic chemicals in our body, the raw materials, can be found in the “dust of the ground” just like it says in Genesis. However, these chemicals cannot, on their own, arrange themselves into cell tissue, organs, and body systems in order to become a living being. That can only happen with input from an intelligent designer, which is God.

Think about this logically. Evolution is presented as linear, moving continuously from the simple to the more complex. The human body is made up of hundreds of critical body systems that are contained, circular, and cyclical. That’s why they are called systems. Systems have to function as a whole, a unit, in order to accomplish their purpose. How could we survive millions of years waiting for our critical body systems to evolve to the point where they could function properly? It’s an absurd question. We can’t and we didn’t.

Humanists control our education system and have crammed evolution down our throats all our lives to the point where most people believe the great lie. If you repeat something long enough the mind accepts it as fact. We’ve all been brainwashed on an evolution theory that has no basis in fact. There is no evidence of any species having evolved even one iota in human recorded history. Not one.