Proofs that God authored the Bible (#2 and last)

4. There are at least 48 Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy concerning him, proving beyond any doubt he was the Christ, the Messiah, the only Son of the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. The odds of anyone fulfilling all these prophecies and not being the Son of God is a staggering number, something like the number of atoms in the universe times five.

5. To make it perfectly clear to man that He is God, in Isaiah God prophesied he would free his people from 70 years of captivity and actually gave the name of the one to free them as Cyrus. Exactly 70 years after the Israelites were taken captive to Babylon as slaves King Cyrus of Persia captured that kingdom and freed the Israelites so they could return home to Israel just as God said he would.

6. All Scripture was written by men as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. The writers did not always fully understand all that they wrote. The Bible contains verses with information the writers knew nothing about and discoveries that wouldn’t be made for thousands of years. For example, in Psalms there is reference to the earth being round, the ocean’s having currents, and the existence of mountains and fresh water volcanoes under the sea. All these things were unverified for many centuries after the words were written.

7. In Noah’s time the ark was the largest vessel ever built. It took Noah 120 years to complete the ark to the dimensions specified by God. Ocean vessels must meet specific engineering guidelines in order to be seaworthy which the ark certainly was. It was thousands of years later before engineers verified God’s ark dimensions were correct.