Proofs that God authored the Bible (#1)

The first great sign from God is creation and I’ve previously listed the written proofs I have. I want to discuss the second great sign from God which is His Word, our Holy Bible. I’m on my third reading of the Bible. God’s Word is supernatural and you cannot read its wisdom or speak it without invoking the Holy Spirit. It’s virtually impossible for anyone to read the Bible through with an open mind without realizing they’re holding a revelation from God in their hands.  When you know the Bible you will see who God is and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  The evidence is overwhelming.

1. The Holy Bible contains 66 books by 40 different writers written over a period of 1500 years. Writers included kings, prophets, learned men, uneducated farmers and illiterate fishermen. The books of the Bible all fit together like a glove and without any errors or inconsistencies.  The same consistent message of the Bible is God’s love for man and salvation through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

2. For centuries men have sought to discredit the Bible by finding something false in it but they have all failed. They said there was no such person as Jesus. Jewish and Roman historical records prove otherwise. They said the walls of Jericho never fell all at once. Recent archaeological discoveries prove the walls of Jericho fell all at once and outward which removes the argument that it was caused by an earthquake. Critics said there was no such person as King David but in 1933 a stone was discovered confirming the house of David.  Detractors said the Bible had to be false because there was no such country as Israel. On May 14, 1948, the country of Israel was reborn in a day, as God’s Word said it would be. The Bible said at the Second Advent all the peoples of the earth would see Jesus set foot on the Mount of Olives. Everyone said that was not possible but now we have cable TV that broadcasts worldwide and it is possible.

3. The Bible is 28% prophecy and over 500 of the 1000 plus prophecies contained in the Bible have come true and have been documented as fact. Prophecy fulfillment has been 100% accurate. Not one prophecy has failed to be fulfilled in its appointed time.  Not one single prophecy has come true with all the other false religions in the world.  Prophecy is merely history written in advance.  Only Jehovah, the Ancient of Days,  knows the end from the beginning because He is the author of history.