Physical proofs of God cont’d (#3 and last)

15. Earth’s gravitational field exactly balances the centrifugal force of earth’s rotation in order to keep it in orbit around the sun.

16. The level of earth’s volcanic activity is perfectly balanced to recycle earth’s resources ; more or less volcanic activity would prevent life on earth.

17. The planet Jupiter is 300 times bigger than earth for a reason. Jupiter’s strong gravitational pull prevents space debris from striking the earth.

18. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second; if it were any faster or slower no life could exist on earth.

19. Our solar system is located perfectly within our Milky Way galaxy to sustain life. We are two thirds of the way from the center to the edge of the galaxy. If we were situated anywhere else within the galaxy stars would affect earth’s orbit and thus prevent life.

20. The universe is expanding at the precise speed to allow life on earth; any slower and gravity would cause the universe to collapse on itself; any faster and heavenly bodies could not form.

21. The atomic structure of all things is very precise and perfectly balanced to support life. If protons were any larger or smaller molecules could not form the basic building blocks of life.

23. The earth’s size is perfect for life to exist. If the earth was 10% larger it would elevate the surface temperature too much. If the earth was 10% smaller it would result in a snow and ice wasteland.