Personal witness for Christ outline (#1)

I have always been a planner and a writer.  It’s my nature.  I realized during my study of God’s Word that witnessing for Christ was not optional but a command from God:

Proverbs 14:25 – A true witness delivers souls.

I set about writing a procedure, an outline, that I could study and follow.  I ended up with seven questions I could use to determine where a person was in their personal belief.  After each question I listed Scriptures answering each question.  I was like a hunter seeking prey.  I found out pretty quickly you put people off if you ask them directly if they’re a Christian (most people think they are) or if you ask them if they are saved (most people think they are).  If you asked someone what would happen to them if they died tonight the same thing happens.  These questions scare people.  Yet this is where most books on personal soul winning tell you to start. This approach didn’t work for me.  I had to come up with something better suited to my personality.  Instead of a hunter I’m more of a casual fisherman who is always trolling. 

When I talk to people now I get around to talking about my passion in retirement for witnessing for Christ and doing good works.  If you’re passionate about something it shows.  I don’t challenge anyone directly.  I just share what I’m about so everyone knows I’m available.  Another good way to start is telling someone “God has great plans for your life.”  Who wouldn’t want to hear more about that?  After all, everyone’s favorite topic is themselves.  There are people out there who want a personal witness about Christ.  They just don’t want to be assailed by someone who may be crazy.  We just need to make ourselves known as normal person who is sincere and available to them.  They’ll come to you.  When the unbeliever’s heart is ready for the gospel message the Holy Spirit will lead them to you.  It doesn’t matter whether we sow the gospel seed or reap the harvest.  All will be rewarded equally by God in due time.