Our parable

In the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30) an absent master temporarily leaves valuables in the safekeeping of his three servants; each with five talents, two talent and one talent, respectively. In our story the absent master is Jesus who is temporarily away from the earth but will return at the second coming to recover what is His.  The servants in our parable refer to those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the saints of the kingdom of God.  The talents Jesus left in our care is the, “good news,”   of the gospel of Christ whereby all men are saved unto eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ as  Lord and Savior.  

As disciples of Jesus we are not to sit on our salvation.  We are to go forth and spread the gospel to the unbelievers in all nations according to our individual abilities.  This “Great Commission” is the number one command of God.  Notice in the original parable the two servants who obeyed the master and used their talents so that the “increase” went to the master were equally rewarded, not because of their results, but because they simply obeyed the master’s command to use the talents wisely.  The servant who did not obey lost his reward.

On the last day when the saints stand before the bema judgement seat of Jesus those who have simply obeyed the Great Commission and witnessed for Christ to the best of their ability will receive their reward.  Their reward for sharing the gospel will be more for their obedience and love of God than any quantitative results.  Men would judge results but God judges the hearts of men.  Our goal is to hear Jesus say “Well done good and faithful servant”.  A faithful servant is one who obeys his master.