Those who do not believe in miracles are narrow minded. They cannot see the possibility of anything outside the workings of the natural world they live in. God is outside, over and above natural law, and is not bound by it, therefore miracles are not a problem for God. If you believe in God belief in miracles is not a problem. If you don’t believe in God you won’t believe in miracles either. God and miracles go together. Biblical miracles are an act of creation – a sovereign, transcendent act of God’s supernatural power. All of God’s miracles had a specific purpose which was to confirm faith in God. The miracles of God authenticated the message and the messenger, or they demonstrated God’s love by relieving suffering.
The presupposition of a Christian is that God exists and that he has established natural laws which he can make or break. God can intervene in this world or not at his pleasure. Belief in miracles is easy with this worldview. God doesn’t have to do observable miracles today because we have the documented miracles in the Bible to refer to as proof of God. The miracles of Jesus were verified. The miracles of Jesus were done in public, before unbelievers and over a period of three and a half years covering a variety of powers.
The testimony of those Jesus cured of disease or infirmity is a matter of public record and undeniable. Never before had leprosy been cured before Jesus came. Never before had a man born blind received his sight before Jesus came. Never before had a man been raised from the dead before Jesus came. Never before had a man stilled the wind or walked on water until Jesus came. The miracles of Jesus were verifiable, unique and obviously could only have been performed by God. This confirmed Jehovah as the one true God and helped to establish and authenticate Christianity as the religion of God.