Jewish festivals (#4 and last)

Fall festivals (cont’d):

After the Feast of Trumpets the next festival in God’s divine order is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which is a clear picture of God’s judgement in the Tribulation. I’ve previously stated the time of the Gentiles (2,000 years) will run out on Pentecost of 2033 but won’t officially end until the rapture, which will occur four months later during the Feast of Trumpets. In the Book of Daniel the angel Gabriel told the prophet Daniel that God would deal with Israel for 490 years but would be cut off at 483 years because of the crucifixion of Jesus. Scripture also tells us that the timeclock on the last 7 years of Jewish history will begin ticking when Israel signs a peace treaty. The peace treaty can’t be signed until after the rapture of the church which ends the time of the Gentiles. The rapture will occur four months after Pentecost during the 9 day Feast of Trumpets in the year 2033. The last day of the feast features four kinds of trumpet blasts, over 100 in all. The last trumpet, known as the Tekiah Hagadol, is a great and long final blast to close out the festival. This is the last trump the apostle Paul is referring in 1 Corinthians 15:52, that will call all believers alive on earth to be translated and meet Jesus in the air (the rapture). Since Israel must sign the peace treaty after the rapture but before the Day of Atonement it has to occur within the same 9 day window of the Feast of Trumpets of 2033.

The Tribulation will begin at the signing of the peace treaty by Israel and end exactly 7 years later during the Feast of Trumpets of 2040, when Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives at His Second Coming. The coming of the Lord to the earth the next two times will both be heralded by the sound of trumpets which is why the rapture and the Second Coming both occur during the Feast of Trumpets, only 7 years apart. Another reason the Second Coming occurs during the Feast of Trumpets is because the day after this feast is over we have the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year for Jews. On this day God weighs the sins of the people and shortly after Jesus comes to earth He will weight the sins of all people and all nations and dispense His judgement. The tribulation is clearly concealed in the patterns of the Day of Atonement.

The seventh and final Jewish festival is the Feast of Tabernacles which starts 5 days after the Day of Atonement. This feast commemorates when Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and lived in tents and God dwelt in their midst. The 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles is a picture of the setting up of the Kingdom of God on earth where God will once again dwell in their midst. This time Christ will be ruling as King for a thousand years. The Bible foretold Jesus would come twice to the earth, once as a suffering servant and the Messiah and once as the ruling King. The first coming of the Lord was a composite of the first three Jewish spring festivals, Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits. The second coming hasn’t happened yet but when it does the Lord will appear as the ruling King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The next time Jesus appears it will be in all His glory and His angels with Him. The Second Coming of our Lord will mirror the three Jewish fall festivals, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles. The fall festivals clear up any misunderstanding about the divine order of events to come: the rapture comes first, then comes the Tribulation, and last comes the millennial reign of Christ – in that order.