I never intended to…

I never intended to write a Christian blog. Blogging found me. I’ve always been a profuse writer of study notes and personal letters so writing comes naturally. I have a journal. When I started studying God’s Word my personal journal became my spiritual journal. I progressed to sharing my Christian insights with family and friends by email.  A childhood friend who is a man of God suggested I start a Christian blog so here I am. All I know is the Holy Spirit prompts me to study God’s Word and write about it. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch, an urge I can’t resist. I can understand how the writers of the Bible books were moved along by the Holy Spirit as they wrote their verses.

The name of my blog has been on my mind for a number of years. It stuck with me since  I first heard the following story, which makes me think the Holy Spirit even then was grooming me to be a blogger. A son was writing an article about his father, an elderly pastor, who was in a hospital dying of terminal cancer.  The old pastor on several occasions got out of his hospital bed and heading for the exit.  As he hurried down the hospital corridor in his hospital gown, Bible in hand, he could be heard talking to himself.  The old pastor kept repeating over and over the phrase, “one more for Jesus.”   That struck a nerve with me.  I intuitively knew here was a man who knows a secret and is pursuing it until his dying breath.

My website, www.onemoreforjesus.net, is named in honor of this old pastor, whose name I’ll never know.  I do know his secret.  I too will witness for Christ while there is breath in me, always striving to get, “one more for Jesus.”  Here was a man who knew what was important in life. Here was a man who knew he was dying but his only thought was saving one more person from an eternity in the fires of hell. His life was focused on the only important thing. No telling how many people this old pastor ushered into God’s kingdom but his focus was on the next one and then the one after that.  Until  his last breath he was going to work God’s harvest field. The old pastor is my hero and a shining example of witnessing for Christ as life’s top priority, using every waking moment searching for an unbeliever to save. Never being satisfied. Always striving for “one more for Jesus”.