I love prophecy!

I love Bible prophecy and can’t get enough of it. First, it confirms God is who He says He is. Prophecy is history written in advance and is only possible by the author of that history. Only the one true God knows the end from the beginning.  All other religions don’t have a single fulfilled prophecy between them because they are all fake religions and should be pointed out as such; political correctness be damned!  The men who started the other major religions of the world are all buried in a grave somewhere.  The tomb of Jesus is empty, for He has risen and is in heaven sitting at the right hand  of the Father.

Second, God in His Word gave us prophecy not only to prove He is God but also to instruct the saints and provide guidance on what they should do. There are 16 books on prophecy in the Old Testament and four book on prophecy in the New Testament. Twenty of the 66 books in the Bible are prophetic. That’s 28% of the Bible.  The Bible contains over 1,000 prophecies of which over 500 have been fulfilled. The remaining prophecies will be fulfilled at a later date in the fullness of time.

So far we have a 100% prophetic success rate so we can be assured all remaining prophecies contained in the Bible will be fulfilled.  Prophecy reveals our Lord as He really is. Matthew 24:30, says the Lord will return to the earth on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. At the second coming Revelation 19:16, reveals Jesus will return as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”. That will be the greatest day in human history and we will all be there to see it with the Lord!