How I roll

It’s late on Christmas eve and I should be in bed but I’m staying up to write one last love letter to God, which is what my blogs are. It’s a blessing to be able to share my love of God with others. The Holy Spirit has given me the inclination to write and when I sit down at my desk I usually don’t have a clue where I’m going. I have tons of reference material. I’ll drink a few cups of coffee and meditate a few minutes while asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. I scratch wherever I get the itch.  I’m streaky and sometimes repetitive. Sometimes I get on a topic and beat it to death. Sometimes I repeat myself but it’s all good. I speak what’s on my mind and I make no apologies for it. I go where my passion takes me. I’m not a politically correct person so don’t be offended by my honesty. I could be wrong but I never have a hidden agenda. I simply want to know the truth wherever that takes me.

I welcome comments because a discussion helps us all grow in our faith. In the wisdom literature of Proverbs God confirms that the council of many results in better decisions. In this age of television, cell phones and texting people don’t talk over issues like they used to and interactions are superficial at best.  The next time you go to a restaurant look at the tables around you. The majority will be on the phone, playing games or texting. They may as well dine alone because conversation is nil. The best venue for Christians to fellowship is still at church as a member of the congregation.  Blogging is a viable way for the body of Christ to gain information and insight and even share their views on-line if they aren’t a member of a local church. The important thing is to go directly to God’s Word for the answers to your questions and not rely on others interpreting God’s Word.  I try to back up my comments with supporting Scripture as much as I can.  I welcome feedback and correction on any blog.