Help save somebody

God spoke the world into existence and set up the laws of the universe. God gave us the intelligence and free will to choose whom we will serve.  There are only two choices, God or Satan. Those who cannot or will not see the truth of God’s existence God calls scoffers and fools.  Once our eyes are opened our first duty is to seek God and accept God’s mercy and grace unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our second duty, and sacred obligation, is to witness for Christ and help open the eyes of the blind.

Psalm 33:8-8 – Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.  For He spoke, and it was done: He commanded, and it stood fast.

Once we know the truth of God’s Word it is our duty to share our witness at every opportunity while we are still on this earth. Someone did it for us! It’s why we’re still here. Our goal should be to save at least one person for God’s kingdom.  Who wants to stand before God empty handed? I know I don’t.  If you find God you’ve had a successful life.  If you help someone else find God you’ve had a hugely successful life and will receive honor and glory from God in heaven on the last day.

Matthew 17:26 – For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

When you witness for Christ you’re doing God’s work and there can be no greater calling or use of your time. However, you must be able to handle rejection. Like any sales job it’s about repetition and volume. Present the gospel message and let the Holy Spirit do His work. You job is to be the sower of God’s Word always and, on occasion, be the reaper as well.  God will hold us accountable for inaction and there is no excuse. Our path is clear. We are to emulate Jesus while on this earth and we are to share our witness in order to help others to find salvation. Go save somebody, anybody, even if it’s just one person. God will faithfully reward you if you do.