Heavenly rewards plan (#1)

Because of Adam’s fall in the Garden of Eden all men have inherited the sin nature of Adam. Our carnal nature causes us all to sin against God and that included Moses, Paul, David and the prophets; everyone.  Jesus is the only man who ever lived who was sinless, which was why Jesus, and only Jesus, could redeem us from our sins. The justice of God required a human blood sacrifice for the redemption of man and only Jesus was spotless before God.  I make a conscious effort every day not to sin but it’s a losing battle. Lust is my great sin and even if I only lust in my heart it’s still a sin to God. If I have evil thoughts or use hateful speech I sin against God. God knows we are helpless against sin because of our sin nature which is one of the reasons why God promises to forgive us if we ask Him.

Pray every night before bedtime asking God to forgive you of any sins you have committed that day. Never go to sleep with unforgiven sin. Ask God to cover your transgressions with the blood of Jesus Christ, which He has promised to do.  That way you have a clean slate with God before your eyes close. Every man’s eternal destiny is determined when he leaves this life based whether or not he has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Accumulated sin won’t keep a saved Christian out of heaven but why carry that burden when God will forgive your sins if you ask Him?  God loves to be  merciful and gracious to those He loves!

All believers who die will not go to the Great White Throne judgement reserved for those going to hell forever for rejecting Jesus. Instead, believers will go straight to heaven when they die and into the presence of Jesus.  Believers will have to appear before the bema judgement seat of Christ at some point. As believers we have already been gifted eternal life in heaven by a loving God. This judgement is for believers to give an account of their works done in the body and receive from Jesus our reward.  We will be held accountable for our actions on earth from the moment of our salvation until our death. All of our sins committed before our conversion were forgiven when we were saved and God remembers them no more. We are now in God’s family.