I have one last comment about those who attack the gospels of Christ. Know that Satan is your sponsor so beware. Only in the last 200 years have critics started trying to convince people that the gospels of Christ are really folklore. They have asserted that the gospels were not about historical truth but only sought to portray a story about Jesus that may or may not have actually happened. Critics say how could the gospels be accurate when there is no description of what Jesus looked like and which doesn’t contain an accurate chronology of his his life. For the first 1800 years the gospels were accepted as historical biographies.
Keep in mind the gospels are ancient writings similar to the Greco-Roman biographies of that era that chronicled the lives of famous people of that time. In that genre of historical biographies what someone looked like was not important. An exact chronology of their life was not important. The old historical biographies had three parts – the birth, public life and death of the person written about with the bulk of that history being devoted to the subject’s public career. The gospels also do that. God in His wisdom chose the genre historical biography for the gospels because people were accustomed to that. God included in the gospels only what He considered important for us to know about Himself and the salvation for man.
God never says, does or writes anything without a good reason. Therefore, whenever you read a biblical story in the gospels ask yourself, “What is God trying to tell me”? Ask yourself, “What is it I need to know and why”? It helps if you pray to God before reading gospel Scripture for the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s Word to your mind and spirit. Ask God how to apply what you have learned in your life. God says to ask and you will receive but the secret is you have to keep asking until you do receive because God’s timeline is His own.