God’s miracles in plain sight (#2 and last)

A few things should be clear to the world by now. Jerusalem is God’s holy city and God’s name is there. The Jews are God’s chosen people. God has sworn to protect the nation of Israel as His special possession. Common sense should tell the Arabs the truth of what their eyes are seeing but Satan has blinded them with their hatred of Israel. Those who oppose the will of Almighty God will be led to the slaughter.

5. The Sinai War of 1956 against Egypt lasted only a week. Israel captured the Sinai all the way to the Suez Canal and destroyed a quarter of the much larger Egyptian army. 3,000 Egyptian soldiers were killed and 5600 captured. Vast stores of military equipment were seized. Israel suffered 171 killed and 600 injured.

6. In the Six Day War of 1967 Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt as the Arabs were massing for an attack on Israel. The Egyptian Air Force was destroyed on the ground (444 planes). Egypt lost 100,000 men, 700 tanks and 450 artillery pieces. Israel lost two planes, 679 killed and 2,563 wounded. Israel seized Sinai, Gaza, the west bank and the Golan Heights, adding 8,000 more square miles to Israel.

7. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 caught Israel by surprise. Egypt and Syria attacked with 5,000 tanks, 2,000 artillery pieces, 1,000 aircraft and 838,000 men. God caused the Arab forces to halt when they were on the verge of victory allowing the Israelis to regroup and win the war. Israel lost 4,000 men but the Arabs suffered much heavier losses.

8. The Russian War hasn’t happened yet but it’s been prophesied in the Bible so it will happen. Russia will invade Israel and attempt to destroy Jerusalem and God has promised to kill 6 out of 7 Russian troops and destroy the invading army.

9. The Battle of Armageddon also hasn’t happened yet but rest assured God will destroy the antichrist and the combined armies of the world when they attack Israel and surround Jerusalem.