Getting started

My plan was to write one blog a week and respond to any comments during the week. The problem is after four years of studying the Bible I had so much material stored up I just had to get it out and into the blog archives. So, in the first twelve days on line I’ve posted over fifty blogs and I still have maybe two dozen more I need to post.  Christian blogging for me is passive witnessing for Christ.  It satisfies my soul and I believe there is no better use of my time. I’m like a dog worrying a bone, I can’t leave it alone. I go to bed at night and wake up in the morning formulating blogs in my head that need to be written.  Maybe the new will wear off but I don’t think so.  I think this is God’s plan for the rest of my life. I’m not a pastor or Christian scholar. I’m a simple layman with a passion for God’s Word and for witnessing for Christ.

I seek to share and to learn in equal measure. I seek the truth and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I don’t know how long a blog should be. I’m trying to keep it to one page, around 250 words or less.  Any less and I may not get my point across. Any longer and I might bore you to the point you lose interest. Everyone has a short attention span today, including me. Blogging is a new journey for me that I hope to get better at over time.  The Holy Spirit gives each believer a spiritual gift or gifts to aid them in their walk with God. Amazingly, most Christians don’t have a clue what spiritual gift they have. I’m not sure myself but I’m starting to believe I have the spiritual gift of “exhortation”, which is proclaiming God’s word and encouraging the brethren to faithfulness.

Exhortation is usually the gift of preachers, teachers, and evangelists but Christian writers fall into this category too. The Apostles Peter, John and Paul had this gift. I believe Christian blogging falls into this broad category but I could be wrong. Maybe I’m just hoping.  I’ll continue praying for clarity.  As the author of history, God prepares His servants to use every new advancement in communication methods. Blogging is here now with the potential for impacting millions out there who do not attend a church but still hunger for God’s Word and the salvation it promises. Blogging is evolving and if used correctly can unite the faithful and guide others to the truth of God’s Word.