Foster a deep love for Israel

Do not believe those who say the church has replaced Israel in God’s prophetic plan. The church today is not spiritual Israel. That’s wishful thinking on their part and not Scriptural. God doesn’t make mistakes and the Bible in numerous places confirms God’s everlasting love for Israel. Don’t get on the wrong side of God on this issue. God is always faithful to His Word. God doesn’t lie. God never breaks a covenant or changes His mind.  The church and Israel are two separate entities. When Israel rejected Jesus as the Messiah and crucified Him on the cross God turned to the Gentiles to spread the gospel message, thus beginning the church age which will end when believers are raptured to meet Jesus in the air along with all the saints who are asleep.

This occurs just prior to the peace agreement signed by Israel.  The peace agreement signed by Israel starts the clock on the last seven years of God dealing with Israel and will be the last seven years of human history as we know it. During this seven year “tribulation period” God turns His focus back to Israel.  The church will already have been raptured and taken to heaven. Israel and the unsaved will have to live through this period known as “God’s Day of Wrath”. Israel still has a prominent place in God’s plan for mankind.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, is and always will be a Jewish Rabbi. In the millennium kingdom a Jewish King David will be Jesus’ second in command. The Jewish Apostles and prophets will all have prominent leadership positions in heaven. Scripture is clear about the Jewish people being preeminent in heaven and we Gentiles need to understand and accept that and get on board the train.  Gentiles owe their very salvation to the blessings of Abraham, the Jewish patriarch. Let’s show our love and appreciation by loving Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people, not only for the blessings we have received through them, but because they are our brothers.  Praise God for His tender mercies.