Five questions

There are five basic questions every human being on earth has pondered at one time or another in their life. There will always be fear, uncertainty and doubt until you answer these questions. No amount of money, fame or power will help you get to the bottom of it. All the answers you seek, and more, are contained in the wisdom literature of the Holy Bible, the ultimate revelation of God to man, His special creation.

1. Who am I?
You are a child of God. You were made by God for His glory. You are a special creation of God and object of God’s eternal love. God wants to lavish His love on us for all eternity. As Sons of God we will be royalty in heaven.

2. Where did I come from?
We were created by God in His image (with a soul and spirit). Scripture says were fearfully and wonderfully made. Scripture says God knit us together in our mother’s womb and knows us intimately. God knew us before the foundation of the world was laid.

3. Why am I here?
You were put on earth to seek God, find salvation, and emulate the life of Jesus in word and deed to the glory of God. We are here to love God and be loved in return. We are here to witness for Christ and to share God’s love with others.

4. Where am I going?
God gave each of us a part of His eternal spirit at conception and we became immortal beings. We have two possible eternal destinations, with God in heaven or without God in hell. Because of Adam’s original sin we are all born on the path to hell and once the age of decision has passed we have to proactively accept God’s gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  No decision leaves us on the path to hell. We will spent eternity in hell in torment 24/7 or in heaven in the joyous presence of God. We have the free will to choose between the two.

5. How do I get there?
Accept God’s mercy and grace unto salvation. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to die for our sins. Believe that Jesus died, was buried, and was raised from the dead by God on the third day and ascended back to heaven where He sits at the right hand of God. Repent and make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life and you will have eternal life. Your name will be irrevocably written in the Book of Life.