Don’t pray to Mary!

All those Catholics praying to Mary are just spitting into the wind. As the mother of Jesus, Mary is a blessed human being with a special place in heaven. Mary was born into this world with a sin nature from Adam’s fall like all of us were. As a young woman God selected Mary to be the mother of Jesus but that doesn’t make her divine. The early Catholic church adopted a lot of pagan traditions and one of those was mother goddess worship which has evolved into making Mary divine and sinless from birth. This in unscriptural. The Bible says you are to pray to God directly and in Jesus’ name. So if you disobey God and pray to Mary that means your prayers won’t be answered. Your prayers are falling on deaf ears.

In their arrogance and pride, the Catholic Pope and his priests have established the church doctrine of making Mary divine and requiring members to take their prayers directly to Mary. Supposedly Mary receives everyone’s prayers because Jesus is too busy to receive them himself directly. Mary then sorts through the prayers and takes them to Jesus. What a bunch of hogwash! Although Mary is in heaven she’s just a human being like us and has no special ability or capacity to hear the prayers of everyone on earth. In that regard Mary is no different than you or me. If you or I died and went to heaven could we hear the prayers of everyone on earth? No, of course not! Jesus is God and only God can hear the thoughts of every person on earth simultaneously. In addition, how can God be too busy when he’s omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent? A bird doesn’t fall from the sky without God seeing it. In the gospel of Luke Mary says she is the maidservant of the Lord and blessed to be chosen as the mother of Jesus. Mary admits to her lowly state (i.e. a human being) while acknowledging Jesus as her Savior. If Mary were divine she’d not be in a lowly state and she’d have no need of a Savior. The only divine being in the universe is God. It’s blasphemy to call Mary divine and to worship her as such.

Luke 1:46-47 – And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.

By having their members pray to Mary the Catholic church, by intent or through ignorance, has insured that the prayers of the faithful are not heard by God. The Bible says we’re to pray directly to God in Jesus’ name and to go to God for the forgiveness of our sins. God’s Word is perfect and God cannot lie so how did the Catholic church arrive at this unscriptural doctrine? Why are Catholics told to confess their sins to a priest in a confessional booth and ask his forgiveness when the priest himself is a sinful human being? It’s because the Pope has the audacity to usurp God’s power and steal his glory by saying the Pope knows better than God on all issues relating to Christianity. Isn’t it obvious our prayers won’t be heard or answered by God and our sins won’t be forgiven if we disobey the prescribed way to communicate with God on these matters? Why has this happened in the Catholic church? Satan long ago infiltrated and corrupted the Catholic church. In fact, Satan has owned the Catholic church lock, stock and barrel for at least the last 1400 years, Over time, Satan has inspired and instituted virtually every Catholic church doctrine and they’re all the exact opposite of what God wants and commands us to do. Satan likes to fly under the radar and go undetected but with the Catholic church he couldn’t help himself. Satan had to totally corrupt the Catholic church which left his fingerprints everywhere as proof of his existence to those of us who are observant. For those who have eyes, let them see and understand.

I find it amazing that there are 1.5 billion Catholics in the world and they all, for the most part, accept and obey the doctrines of the church when those doctrines are all the exact opposite of what God commands in his Word. I don’t get it. The proof is right there in God’s Word in plain language everyone can read and understand. Now, either Catholics don’t know what’s in the Bible and haven’t read the Bible or they listen to and believe what the Catholic clergy has been telling them about God and they’ve been totally indoctrinated and brainwashed since birth to blindly follow the Pope’s directions. How else can you account for people praying to a human being instead of God Himself? How else can you account for people sitting in a box and asking forgiveness of their sins from another sinful human being who also needs forgiveness? The Bible and our commonsense both confirm that there is one eternal God in heaven who made us all and only God can receive prayers and act on them because he is omnipotent. Sin is disobeying God so only God can forgive our sins because only God can determine who gets eternal life in heaven or hell based on our sins.

Catholics who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will inherit eternal life in heaven in the presence of Almighty God. However, those Catholics who disobey God in favor of following the doctrines of the Catholic church established by sinful men full of pride with their own corrupt agenda will lose their reward.

Catholics who pray to Mary and ask priests to forgive their sins gain nothing and offend God. Their sins are still with them and will remain with them until they go to God directly and ask for their sins to be forgiven. Imagine all those Catholics praying to Mary and going to confession thinking all their sins are being forgiven when all the time their sins keep piling up in heaven and when they get to heaven they’re still accountable for that mountain of unforgiven sin because they didn’t go to God directly for forgiveness as he commanded. Catholics who reduce Jesus to a cookie during mass are not really making Jesus Lord of their life. They are just paying lip service to Jesus. Their discipleship to Christ is meaningless so they will lose their reward. Satan has, in effect, handcuffed the Catholic church and all its members and made them ineffective workers in the kingdom of God. Catholics who go to heaven will weep at how the Pope and Satan duped them and they’ll mourn their lost opportunity to have served God while on earth. If you include the Apostle Peter as the first Pope as the Catholic church claims (which I don’t) then Pope Francis is Pope number 266. Mark my words, we’ll all be present on the last day when the vast majority of the Popes will stand in judgment before the wrath of God for leading their congregations away from the truth of God. The first will be last and the last will be first. I’d be surprised if more than a handful of the earlier Popes make it to heaven. The power of the church really started to exert itself over Christianity with the papacy of Gregory the Great (590-604 AD). Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All the Popes after Gregory have continued to support and create unscriptural Catholic church doctrine and ultimately they will wind up being thrown into the lake of fire for their sins.