Don’t be fooled

When you study God’s Word, especially end time prophecy, you will understand all the bad things going on in the world around us. God predicted more wars and rumors of war and it is so. God predicted an increase in earthquakes, floods, and famines and it is so. God predicted an increase in plagues and diseases around the world and it is so.  Most important of all, Jesus along with His Apostles and prophets warned us that in the last days many false witnesses would appear to deceive and fool the people with false teachings in order to divert them from the truth of God’s work. So convincing will be their testimony that even the elect will be fooled.  The only way you can be absolutely sure you won’t fall for any of this nonsense is to study God’s Word yourself so you will know when any false teaching doesn’t conform to Scripture. False teachings will be noticed for what they are and from whence they came.

Matt. 24:4-5 – Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.

Matt. 24:11 – Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.

Matt. 24:25 – False Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

Knowing what is coming as foretold by a loving God should bring us peace, not angst. Knowing we are safely in God’s hands gives us eternal hope no matter what happens to us here on earth. Let us be watchers on the wall as these end times play out before our eyes.