Demons around us

Satan is the most powerful being ever created by God. He was once the lead angel in heaven and his name was Lucifer. Satan rebelled against God, taking a third of the angels with him. There was war in heaven. Satan and his fallen angels (demons) were kicked out of heaven and thrown to the earth which is why Satan is referred to as the god of this world.  God made all the angels at the same time in the distant past before creation. We don’t know how many angels there are but Scripture refers to their number as innumerable (too many to count) so we know there are many millions of angels.  If a third of the original angels are now here on earth we’re still talking about millions of demons, powerful evil beings, all around us in the spiritual realm, all bent on our destruction.

Demons have a hierarchy same as the angels.  They also have assigned areas of responsibility.  Remember the Bible story about the angel Gabriel being delayed from reaching the prophet Daniel by the demon known as the Prince of Persia.  While Satan seeks the destruction of all mankind, his main focus is going after God’s children, both the Jews and Christians, who by faith have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God has dispatched guardian angels to protect the elect from evil and He has also provided us with His Word, the Holy Bible, to make us aware of the wiles of the devil so we can resist him. God has provided us all we need to prevail in this struggle with the forces of evil.