The resurrection of Jesus is paramount to the Christian. It confirms fully the truth and validity of what Jesus taught and did. Because of the resurrection we know that our trust in Jesus is justified and that our sins are actually forgiven as He said. We have certainty of eternal life and the forgiveness of sins because of the empty tomb of Jesus. Christ’s resurrection guarantees our own resurrection. Because Jesus is risen we know Jesus conquered death which gives us the assurance that the grave is not our end and that we shall be raised as He was. Jesus was resurrected in a glorified body and through Him we know we also will receive an immortal glorified body like He has when we are resurrected.
Since Christ is risen we know He is the head of the church and now sits on His throne at the right hand of God as our High Priest, Advocate and Mediator between God the Father and man. Jesus’ sacrificial work on the cross on our behalf is complete. Jesus accomplished the work God gave Him to do which will allow us to enter heaven and live in fellowship with the Lord forever.
In Scripture Jesus said He was returning to heaven to prepare a place for us so we could be with him and that He would return for us at His Glorious Appearing. Because of the ascension and exaltation of Christ, we have free access by prayer to the throne room of grace, to the very presence of God continually. Even the angels marvel at this precious gift we so seldom take advantage of. To know who Jesus is and what He has done for us should leave us all with a sense of awe, wonder and appreciation for the great mercy, love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 8:9 – Though He was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.