One valuable technique used in Bible study is studying words in their original languages in the Old and New Testaments. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek and some Aramaic and then translated into Greek and other languages such as English. The Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew with some Aramaic and then translated into common Greek about 100 BC, which is referred to as the Septuagint. The New Testament was originally written in common Greek because it was the legal language at the time the New Testament was written. Greek fell into disuse after about 300 AD.
It’s often impossible to match the exact meaning of a word from one language to another. Sometimes the translator misunderstands the text he or she is translating. With verbs it’s sometimes hard to convey tense, voice, and mood when translated into another language. The purpose of word studies is to understand the meaning of a word or words in the context you are studying. Once you know the original meaning or use of a word, you can go back into the text and see how the original meaning enhances your understanding of the passage.
If you don’t know the original languages of the Bible you’ll need a concordance which shows where each word in a particular translation is used throughout the Bible. In addition, a concordance contains Hebrew and Greek dictionaries so you can look up the original meaning of words. The Bible I favor is the New King James Version (NKJV) so I use a Strong’s Concordance which is keyed to my old King James Bible (KJV). Every serious student of Bible study needs their own concordance. Another essential tool used for word study is an expository dictionary which gives more expansive definitions. There are several to choose from but I use Vine’s since it’s also keyed to the KJV Bible.
Bible Interpretation (#3)
Principle #7 – Check your conclusions by using reliable commentaries
Analytical commentaries are better than devotional commentaries for inductive Bible study. Use commentaries that examine the text with integrity and give explanations and comments that are in keeping with the context. Make sure you use commentaries written be scholars who believe in the inerrancy of the Word. If possible, check out more than one commentary on the book you are studying so you can weigh the various interpretations against your own conclusions. No one person has a corner on all the truth. Always double check to make sure any commentator is handling the text correctly.
Don’t take as fact everything someone else says or writes just because they are called an “expert”. Some commentators simply borrow from others and don’t do the basics of inductive study themselves. Compare what you have discovered with what others say. Be wary if in your study you find something no one has seen before. God probably would not blind godly men to the truth for almost 2,000 years and suddenly reveal it to you. Use the following checklist when drawing conclusions from you interpretations:
1. Do not contradict the context of the book, chapter, or passage you are studying. Context is always king in interpretation; it rules. A text out of context is a pretext.
2. Do not violate the general theme of the book you are studying.
3. Check to see if your conclusions are in accordance or agreement with what others have said on the same subject.
4. Make sure your conclusions do not violate other biblical truths.
5. Make sure your conclusions are not “prejudiced” to one particular doctrine or school of theology, as this often distorts one’s interpretation.
Bible Interpretation (#2)
Principle #4 – Do not base your doctrine on an obscure passage
An obscure passage is one in which the meaning is not understood easily. Because these passages are difficult to understand even when proper principles of interpretation are used, they should not be used as a basis for establishing doctrine. Doctrine should be based on the clean repeated teachings in the Scriptures.
Principle #5 – Interpret Scripture literally
God has spoken to us through His Word that we might know His truth. Therefore take the Word of God at face value in its natural, normal sense. Look first for the clear teaching of the Scriptures, not some hidden meaning. Understand and recognize figures of speech and interpret them accordingly. Consider what is being said in light of its literary style. Similes and metaphors are more prevalent in prophetic literature than in historical or biographical books. Proverbs is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Proverbs are wise sayings that are generally true for living a happy and productive life in service to God. However, proverbs are not doctrine and cannot be interpreted as prophecies or absolute promises from God for all people for all time.
Principle #6 – Look for God’s intended meaning in the passage
There is a reason God has placed every story in the Bible. Try to look past the story for the reason God included it in His Word. Every single word in the Bible is there for a reason. The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years by forty different writers moved by the Holy Spirit. Almighty God is the real author of all Scripture.
Bible Interpretation (#1)
Principle #1 – Remember that context rules
When you interpret anything it must be considered in light of the surrounding verses and chapters, the book in which it is found and the entire Word of God. Ask yourself the following:
1. Is my interpretation of a particular section of Scripture consistent with the theme, purpose and structure of the book in which it is found?
2. Is my interpretation consistent with other Scriptures about the same subject, or is there a glaring difference?
3. Am I considering the historical and cultural context of what is being said?
Principle #2 – Always seek the full counsel of the Word of God
As you read the Bible regularly and extensively you will become more familiar with the whole counsel of God’s Word. This will make you more able to discern whether or not a teaching is biblical or not. Saturate yourself in the Word of God; it is your safeguard against wrong doctrine.
Principle #3 – Scripture will never contradict Scripture
The best interpreter of Scripture is another Scripture. All Scripture is inspired by God; it is God-breathed. Therefore, Scripture will never contradict itself. If it appears to, then your interpretation of at least one passage is incomplete or wrong. When two or more truths are clearly taught in the Word and seem to conflict remember that you as a human being have a finite mind. Don’t take a teaching to an extreme that God doesn’t in order to reconcile it to your understanding. Let God say what He says. Humble your heart in faith and believe what God says, even if you can’t understand or reconcile it at the moment.
Bible Study (#7 and last)
OBSERVATION: Read with a purpose
As you study the Bible text read with a purpose. As you read ask yourself who, what, when, where, why, and how.
WHO wrote it? Who said it? Who are the major characters? Who are the people mentioned? To whom is the author speaking? About whom is he speaking?
WHAT are the main events? What are the major ideas? What are the major teachings? What are these people like? What does he talk about the most? What is his purpose in saying that?
WHEN was it written? When did this event take place? When will it happen? When did he say it? When did he do it?
WHERE was this done? Where was this said? Where will it happen?
WHY was there a need for this to be written? Why was so much or so little space devoted to this particular event or teaching? Why was this mentioned? Why was this reference mentioned? Why should they do such and such?
HOW is it done? How did it happen? How is this truth illustrated?
When you ask the above referenced 5 W’s and an H of the text, and when you let the text provide the answers, you’ll be amazed at what you learn. These investigative questions are the foundation for accurate Bible interpretation.
Without laying this vital groundwork you could wind up distorting the Scriptures which we are warned against. You won’t always find answers to all your questions because sometimes the answers aren’t there. Your job is to find out what is there and use that information in your evaluation.
2 Peter 3:16 – As also in all his (Paul’s) epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
Bible Study (#6)
OBSERVATION: Look first for the obvious
When studying Scripture the first thing to look for are facts about people, places and events. Always remember God doesn’t do fluff. Every single word in the Bible God has placed there for a reason. Many facts in the Bible are repeated which makes them easy to see. When God repeats something it’s important for us to know. Repeated ideas often show the context of the verse or verses you are studying. The obvious will establish a framework from which to conduct your Bible study.
OBSERVATION: Be objective
Don’t study Scripture with preconceived expectations or ideas. Follow the evidence and let the text speak for itself. Let the text come to you. Your primary objective when studying Scripture is to establish the context which will then allow you to interpret what God is saying. The ultimate goal is to know God’s truth so we can adjust our beliefs and our lives accordingly. The context of God’s Word never changes and neither does the absolute truth of God. Make sure whatever spiritual guidance you receive matches the Word of God or it is false information. Don’t be spoon fed Christianity. Study so you will know what is truth.
John 17:17 – (Jesus speaking) – Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
Objective Bible study lets you know what God says and means. Then you can personalize the Word for yourself. As you reflect on God’s message to all men you must also reflect on how it applies to you. You must study your Bible objectively (inductively) and subjectively (devotionally) at the same time. God the Holy Spirit quickens His Word in your heart when you seek Him and take time to listen to your God. God is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives and He has messages for each one of us at specific points in our lives but often we fail to be receptive and wind up missing God’s counsel.
Bible Study (#5)
OBSERVATION: Identify the context
People will often pull out a verse of Scripture that is ambiguous on its own and then give it their own interpretation and meaning. The Bible is God’s absolute truth and it doesn’t matter what we think of it. It’s only important what God says is the truth. When it comes to determining the true meaning of Scripture you must study its context. In Bible study, the context is the words, phrases and sentences surrounding a particular word, phrase or sentence. Context means “that which goes within the text” and the text is written words than can be a verse, a chapter, a book of the Bible or the entire Bible itself. The trick is to start closest to the verse you’re trying to interpret and work outward until the meaning of the Scripture is clear in your mind. When it comes to Bible interpretation the context always rules! Knowing the context is critical. Otherwise you have no sure way of knowing what God is telling you.
God does a magnificent job in the Bible of making sure that the context explains the meaning of verses that, on their own, appear unclear or too complex to be understood easily. In inductive Bible study, context is determined or identified in the same way – by carefully observing what is repeated in the text and seeing how it all relates. You must develop your observation skills to a greater degree to effectively study the Bible. Sometimes when I’m blogging and searching for a verse of Scripture to corroborate what I’m sharing with the reader the verse I want doesn’t make sense on its own. When that happens I then broaden the context to include the verse or verses before or after the verse I want until the meaning is clear and easily understood.
Bible Study (#4)
OBSERVATION: Begin with prayer
Each of the sixty six books of the Bible is a complete message from God and therefore the text should be observed and studied as a whole. Each book, in turn, relates in a special way to the whole Word of God so that there is a consistency of message and unity within the Bible. This was pulled off by 40 writers over a period of 1500 years as they were each moved by the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of the Bible is self-evident. The Bible is without error and all efforts to disprove it have failed. Archeology has confirmed as true stories related in the Bible. To me all this is proof of God and it verifies the Bible is God’s Word. There is no other possible explanation. You can learn nothing of importance from the Bible apart from the work of the Holy spirit. Scripture tells us the Word of God is foolishness to the unbeliever. Therefore, as you begin each session of Bible study approach it with reverence by starting with prayer. Ask God, by His Spirit, to lead you into all truth and to open your eyes and your heart that you may behold wondrous things out of His Word. As you study maintain an attitude of prayer.
John 16:13-15 – (Jesus speaking) – However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on his own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
Psalm 119:18 – Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.
Bible Study (#3)
The Bible is written so simply anyone can read and understand it yet so complex scholars will never unravel all the mysteries it contains. Anyone who reads the entire Bible with an open mind has a better than 95% chance of becoming a believer. At some point it will hit the reader like a ton of bricks that they are holding in their hands the words of Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is the teacher of spiritual truths for those whose hearts are ready for the message and we are the student. Inductive Bible study is a method of studying God’s Word that can be applied to any portion of Scripture at any time. In this method you personally explore the Scriptures to come up with your own observations and conclusions.
Then compare what you believe with what Bible scholars are saying. Personal Bible study will strengthen your convictions and deepen your faith. You will be less likely to fall for false teachings and believe in false prophets that will proliferate in the these end times. You will discover God’s purpose for your life. You will discover true happiness which can only come by obeying God. Inductive Bible study consists of observation, interpretation and application of God’s Word. Observation answers the question: What does the passage say? Interpretation answers the question: What does the passage mean? We can make use of numerous cross-references in the Bible to determine what God is saying. Let Scripture interpret Scripture.
Application answers the question: How does the meaning of this passage apply to me? What is God commanding me to do? How do I go about complying? It’s time to stop being spoon-fed Christianity by others no matter how well-intentioned they are. This is too important an issue to leave to others. They could be wrong. Your eternal soul hangs in the balance. Your rewards in heaven depend on you knowing what God expects from you and then doing it without fail. We are only here on this earth for a short time so make the most of the opportunity you have. God has a plan for your life so find it and do it to the best of your ability. That’s all God asks of you.
Bible Study (#2)
The Bible is God’s Word. The Bible is God’s wisdom. The Bible is a special gift from God to His children (us) so that He can speak to us and so that we can know Him and the plans He has for our lives. The Bible is the ultimate source of all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom we will ever need to live happy prosperous lives. There is a fundamental problem. Parents have stopped teaching their children from the Bible. Schools no longer provide any religious instruction whatsoever. In our increasingly secular world Christianity has been removed from the classroom and the halls of government. Our founding fathers created a country based on Judeo-Christian principles and would be appalled by our current state. We can all feel things are getting worse in our country and the world. Our society is crumbling, violence is increasing, morality is in decline and evil pervades everywhere. This all began to take shape as our society started to remove God from our lives and from the public square. We are reaping what we have sown.
We see the same thing play out in the Bible over and over. God would bless Israel, they would disobey God and move away from His law, and God would be forced to destroy Israel. We are not exempt from God’s judgement. God has blessed America above all nations but we have abandoned God and a righteous God will give us what we deserve. I don’t want to be all doom and gloom. There is a silver lining. In the Bible God told us this would happen. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we have been given the gift of eternal life from Father God and we are instructed not to worry. God commands us to study His Word so that He can speak to us and guide us through these end times. If you don’t want to remain in the dark about the world and future events then delve into your Bible and study it as if your life depended on it, because it does!
2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
When you know what God says, what He means, and how to put His truths into practice, you will be equipped for every circumstance of life. Let’s begin in earnest, right now this minute, by praying for God’s help and then opening your Bible anywhere and start reading. God is always with you and the Holy spirit will help you understand what you read.