Principle #1 – Remember that context rules
When you interpret anything it must be considered in light of the surrounding verses and chapters, the book in which it is found and the entire Word of God. Ask yourself the following:
1. Is my interpretation of a particular section of Scripture consistent with the theme, purpose and structure of the book in which it is found?
2. Is my interpretation consistent with other Scriptures about the same subject, or is there a glaring difference?
3. Am I considering the historical and cultural context of what is being said?
Principle #2 – Always seek the full counsel of the Word of God
As you read the Bible regularly and extensively you will become more familiar with the whole counsel of God’s Word. This will make you more able to discern whether or not a teaching is biblical or not. Saturate yourself in the Word of God; it is your safeguard against wrong doctrine.
Principle #3 – Scripture will never contradict Scripture
The best interpreter of Scripture is another Scripture. All Scripture is inspired by God; it is God-breathed. Therefore, Scripture will never contradict itself. If it appears to, then your interpretation of at least one passage is incomplete or wrong. When two or more truths are clearly taught in the Word and seem to conflict remember that you as a human being have a finite mind. Don’t take a teaching to an extreme that God doesn’t in order to reconcile it to your understanding. Let God say what He says. Humble your heart in faith and believe what God says, even if you can’t understand or reconcile it at the moment.